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my boyfriend ignores my message


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Thanks for read this , I really need a help. I've been dating my bf for a year. I met him when I was studying abroad and now I should back to my country. Everything was perfectly fine, but starting from last week, he suddenly change. He is ignoring my message and doesn't explain anything to me. His last message is "I miss you so much, but you are too far away" I don't know what happened with him, he suddenly change after his trip with his univ club and one of them is his ex? What should I do?

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Hi Rxiao.


It seems like to me that when he says "I miss you so much, but you are too far away", that he is discouraged by the long-distance aspect of this relationship you and him have. In my experience, long-distance relationships most of the time are likely to not work out., however, that is entirely based on my own experience. Right now, it seems like he is feeling conflicted about his feelings for you. If possible, I would try to discuss this all with him, and try and get him to be honest with you, and tell you how he's feeling. And then, if he doesn't seem interested in talking about his feelings, or if he is very brief with his responses, then unfortunately he may not want to have a long-distance relationship.


For all you know, he may still have feelings for his ex girlfriend, but you won't know that unless you ask him, and if he decides to tell you if he does or not.


Hang in there...

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It sounds like he doesn't want a LDR because they are too difficult. Ignoring you means he's going no contact after breaking up.


You should involve yourself with your new local life and join groups, clubs, make friends and get on some dating apps and start meeting and dating local guys..

His last message is "I miss you so much, but you are too far away"
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