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Girlfriend broke up after we had been dating for 2 years


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My ex broke up with me about a month age after we had been dating for almost 2 years. For that 2 years we lived together with some other roommates. This year at university we were going to live alone togerther. We were meant to be (and still are) we were happy all the time and I loved her wth all my heart.


Then she broke up with me. This suprized the hell out of me. I know we wern't doing great but we just had to talk and work on our few problems. But after a few days I was ok with the breakup. It gave me a chance to do some thinking that I couldn't do if we were together. I realized that I had changed and that I wasn't the person that she had fallen in love with, and I also wasn't the person that I wanted to be anymore. After I had realized this it was easy to change back.


I was excited that I may now have a good chance of dating her again. We are best friends so we thought that we could still live together, since we had already rented the apartment. I thought this would be the beginning of us getting back together.


Then about a week age, 3 weeks after we had broken up, and a day before we were supposed to move in together she told me that she was seeing someone else. This was some guy she had meant over the summer while working with him. As the relationship got closer to the break up I became more jealous of him. In fact she used the jealousy as an excuse to break up with me. She didn't start anything with this guy until we had broken up, but it still made me feel like a piece of crap.


then I saw her the day we were supposed to move in together and I was ok. She was a complete mess, she was crying at the sight of me, she hadnt slept in a long time, an seemed very confuzed.


So now we live together and she is dating someone else. It is important to note that we lost our viginities to each other (note: Im 22 and she is 20 now), and I have to watch her spend the night over at his house.


I am not doing very good, it is everything not to kill myself sometimes, but I know i won't. But on top of that I am wathing my best friend be a complete wreak and not even realize it, and I can't really talk to her completely about it otherwise it seems like jealous ex-boyfriend. Her mom is soo worriwd about her also, but there is nothing I can do. I really know we are meant to be together, just because we were so happy together, I have NEVER seen a couple as happy as us.


I think my lesson in this is patience because I have none and it will also just take time, not that Im going to sit around and wait for her, once I'm ready to date.


I honestly never thought I would love anyone like I love her, I didn't think it possible.


We also had a fight a few days ago while living together. It started when we planned on spending the night together and I wanted to go to the bar together, and she didn't, so whatever. We stayed home and watched TV. Then her boyfriend phoned and asked her if she wanted to go to the bar, and she said yes she wanted to. I had to ask why shed go with him and not me, she said she didn't trust herself drunk with me. I asked if this was fair to the new gut and she said yes because he knows shes not over me. I took a chance to confess my love for her, and she said that she wasn't ready for the serious relationship that we were in, which I understand.


I was hurt but it was nothing I didn't expect. The important thing is that I wasn't mad at her. But somehow the conversaton progressed and I don't remember how. I ended up calling her a liar and stuff, basically being a big jerk. She ran out to her new boyfriend (smooth move, way to go, that'll get her back). I apologized to her the next morning when she got home.


Thats about all I can think of


Thanks for reading, any comments are very welcome

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I think it's a baaaaad idea to live with your ex, period. It's hard enough being friends after a breakup, let alone "best friends"...what is really needed is time apart, so that you can both get over each other and move on. Exes aren't capable of helping each other through breakups, at least not in a healthy manner. It's especially a terrible idea for you to be living with her while she's seeing other people. That sort of situation will make you so jealous you can't see straight and it won't be good for her either. As hard as it may be, you really should not live together and should probably try to spend a good deal of time away from each other to let things heal. (I speak from experience here...my girlfriend and I tried to be friends after breaking up, but one year after we've realized that that was a mistake and that if we are ever to be anything to each other again we've got to move on, and then see what happens...if we ever become friends again or get back together or whatever it will be based on the present and not the past.)

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  • 2 months later...

i think u must leave it all to God...maybe this's His plan....if u believe in God, u must understand that...me also want to leave all this thing to God bcoz i've witness His power that have worked in my life....maybe God had prepared someone that is better than her or maybe God wanna teach u something and u must try to understand it....well, good luck!

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