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Girlfriend staying the night with kids dad


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My girlfriend and I have been discussing something and I would like to know if I'm in the wrong here or am I just being over protective. Well my girlfriend has told me that she wants to "Help" out the father of her kid. By staying the night bat his house while goes to get certified for a couple hours on one day of the weekend. But the day if his certification he wants to take his daughter and wanted her to go too. To see her daughter have fun. But she wants to stay the night after the show to "Help" him. An I asked her that she dont do that and she said that he needed help. But I returned by saying that if he needs help then he can ask his parents to help and that she is no longer his girlfriend and that she is my girlfriend and she dont need to.worry about what he needs. An so far I'm.getting very mad and I.was wondering if I am in the wrong here.

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No, you're not in the wrong. I wouldn't be comfortable with that either. She's not respecting your relationship or appropriate boundaries. I can't quite make sense of why she wants to stay the night, and that's probably because it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. It sounds like excuses to be there for the night, which means one or both of them still have feelings, would be my guess. I'm sorry. If she insists on doing this despite your discomfort, I would tell her to not come back.

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+1, you're not wrong, this is wildly inappropriate for her to be doing. I understand when there is a child in the equation the ex has to stay in the picture. But there is no need for her to be spending the night at his place. I wouldn't tolerate this, in fact I think you should leave this person.

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Helping the other parent of a child is often indirectly looking after the child.


I'm not sure why she needs to stay overnight to help. That is suspicious, lacking other information. I do believe it is possible that this could be a legitimate thing. I would likely be reluctant if I were in the same situation, and seeing someone. If only to avoid the appearance of something suspicious. But if it was urgent and benefited my kids I could see staying at my exes. Not a routine thing, but every situation requires different consideration.

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