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is he interested?


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I've had this class for the entire year and I've always noticed this guy in my class who was in a few other classes with me. Well, I dropped those other classes and so now we just have this one class. While waiting outside for class, I always see him looking at me from far away. Also, at one time at the end of class he sat next to me but didn't say anything. When the class was over I went and asked the prof my questions and he just stood by his seat until I came back and packed up and left and then he followed me out. But all the while he never says anything! He seems like a really shy guy, so is this his way of telling me he's interested? Or am I just reading this all wrong?


I'm pretty shy myself , but I was thinking of trying to talk to him next class which is on Monday (our last class of the year!!) so any suggestions on what to do should be great!

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Communication is the key to any relationship or prospective relationship. So if he's too shy to make the initiative then you do it. Say hi at least. That should spark up some kind of convo.


Hope I helped.



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Hmm, I guess there's no more advice for me!


Well, thank you Jaiva for your advice! I really appreciate it ... I will definitely try to talk to him on monday...hopefully he won't think it too odd as it is the last day of class and all I'm nervous just thinking about it!

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i hope im not too late



lemme spell this out the way it seems to me lmao




lol i hope this font went back to normal but yeah, i always do that, sit next to a girl i like in hopes that maybe ill get a smile or a kind word cuz usually thats enough, even though sometimes ill lose track of my judgement and just start talking i duno why he hasn't though.


go ahead and talk, you wont regret it and the fact that you are willing to make a stand is sexier than women are lead to believe.


good luck!



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