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Am I wrong for being frustrated?


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I've been seeing someone the last two months, casually but "exclusive" none the less. We work together but no one at our work knows yet (my decision) . Anyways about a month ago I woke up to texts from him saying he had been joking around on Snapchat with our coworker and her friend and that the friend added him seperately and sent him nude pictures. He told me and said he was joking around and was surprised by this. My coworker talked with me about it (the one he had been joking around on Snapchat with) and was telling me how he had been flirting with her friend and the friend took it seriously. He claims he was joking around etc. we moved on but i explained she wouldn't have sent anything like that unless he gave her the impression he was interested. He made it a point to apologize and that he wouldn't talk with her because they weren't friends had just met through our coworker etc.


Last night I see he started following her on Instagram so I brought it up that I thought he had respected my feelings that I would be annoyed if they were communicating because she's interested in him (our coworker told me this). He basically made some excuse that he didn't realize he followed her basically just fed me lies. I didn't respond and just continued my day.


Sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm in class as I write it but am I right for being bothered by this? And if so should I end it?

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Yes, 100% end it. It's a red flag.


Also I'll explain to you what is happening. He is testing your boundaries. You forgave him for "joking around" and didn't go with your instincts. So he did what anyone would do, apologize, say he will stop talking to her again even though he knows he will not. Now he's followed her on Instagram. You have two choices. Have standards and end it, walk away. Or stay in this and prepare to have a relationship where your guy flirts with other women, which may down the line likely lead to cheating.


His behavior is very inappropriate. Nobody jokes about sending nude pictures, especially with a female coworker. Before you get more emotionally invested and start falling for the guy, end it while it doesn't hurt as much. Pick yourself up and start dating again. For the record, your coworkers sound immature and dramatic. I'd recommend not dating anyone from the workplace.

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If he "accidentally" followed this woman on Instagram then that means he was looking at her page and clicked something or two or three. I know how Instagram works.


That excuse is about as convincing as the "I did not have sex with that woman" line certain politicians trot out when caught with their pants down, literally.


I'd dump the guy just for assuming I'm that stupid or so besotted I'll believe anything he says. End it now, tell him he's free to follow whoever, and you learn the hard lesson about why you don't date coworkers. Plus yeah, he knows you can't or won't say anything about it, so he's taking advantage of your silence.


Too many red flags and at two months in? Nah, too much drama. Find better.

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