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rivendell, of course!


and bacon for breakfasts, elevenses,lucheons, dinners, suppers...

or we could teach the troll to steal from the pantry of the Lord of the onion rings. or Lord of chicken wings. when you buy him clothes, try to get ones with big pockets. we should teach him to sneak in quietly too because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears



*i've been very hungry since rehab. eat like every 20 minutes*

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I think teaching Tom how to conduct black ops would be advantageous to continuously filling our bellies. Not to mention I think it's good to diversify him.[ATTACH=CONFIG]11319[/ATTACH]


Now you're making me hungry! With all this bacon, and onion ring and chicken wing talk... (funny btw..)


So how will you quell your hunger??

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haha the little criminal punk looks awesome!


despite the bacon talk, i am actually trying to eat healthier. i overdid it with unhealthy eating the past few months. rice veggies and lean chicken and lettuce. have banana overnight oats in the fridge for first breakfast, i haven't decided on second breakfast yet.


i'm going grocery hunting tomorrow for more wholegrain and protein foods and seeds and filling stuff like that. i'm hungry all the friggin time it's like i have tapeworm or a demon living in my stomach demanding four virgins and a family or redheads and all their cattle as sustenance every fourty minutes. the attractiveness of many breakfasts and luncheons and elevenses and all that aside, it's getting annoying hearing that menacing "i demand a sacrifice or your dog is next" growl all the time.

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i wonder where all the trolls are btw. i want the fun ones as pets and the lame ones for snacks.


we should probably have a disclaimer. attention trolls will be fed to rainy.


how i'm not fat yet is beyond me.


what is the malespeak of eggwhite ommeletes about? i keep seeing mentions of that whenever i look up filling stuff. would that help? are they any good? i would anything at this point.


what do you people eat to stay full? i've never had an appetite like this.

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Good for you! So, for second breakfast, we can have tea, Quinoa fruit salad, tomato toast With macadamia ricotta and a sweet potato and black bean breakfast burrito (on a whole wheat flatbread).


Hmmm... wonder what's causing all the hunger? High metabolism? Demon? Oooo lets name em! He can be a friend for Tom.

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yeah he could be tom's little bad influence friend.

i'm on a new antidepressant which could techically cause this... but the hunger started three weeks into taking it. which was also when i dramatically upped my water intake. so even though everyone says water makes you feel full i think as the stomach gets used to the water fullness you feel like there's a hole in it

when it's done with the liquids. i've had this before when i drank a lot of water but it was summer so i didn't mind drinking on and on and on between meals. i'm not even on a full dose of meds so doubtful it could cause this. and i've been eating way too much simple carbs.


omg you have the best food ideas!! you should run a food blog. all meals i can think of are boring.


i need to find that blackbean burrito recipe i bet that's really good.


gosh i talk much sometimes. especially about food.


i think i might start making those buddha bowls too. kinda hipster, but they look delicious.

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Okay, I am over here taking notes on Scoe's food ideas. Fabulous. I'm currently sulking, because my favorite Thai food place is closed until the afternoon. That means I have to drive back into town to get the yumminess I crave. Spicy, I want spicy today.


right??!! he is a foodie genious, for real.


for good spicy yummies on a saturday...the drive is worth it i spiced up my food today too, i live for that seasoning magic. *drool drool*

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right??!! he is a foodie genious, for real.


for good spicy yummies on a saturday...the drive is worth it i spiced up my food today too, i live for that seasoning magic. *drool drool*


haha... you guys are way too kind. For the record, I just grabbed these recipes off the 'net. They seemed like they would be good based on my palette, and apparently yours as well!

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i think i might start making those buddha bowls too. kinda hipster, but they look delicious.


I didn't know there were hipsters in Europe. I thought that was a US thing...


What's in a buddha bowl? Sounds tasty! Now you got me going about food!

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of course, the interwebz! that's where i found the fancy named leftovers dish lol. a buddha bowl is a bowl of EVERYTHING, usually includes all food groups and looks very colorful. you don't mix all the foods together but rather stack them up one next to the other. from bird's view it looks like a color wheel. i thought it requires way too much work and food items but it turns out it's great if you always have little leftovers of something. two veggie nuggets next to chard next to chickpeas next to carrot slaw next to diced greek cheese next to roasted peppers next to cooked beets next to whatever else you have lying around. usually you top it with dressing and some people mount a fried egg or avocado slices with seeds on top.


i have been freezing tiny leftover bags of stuff and leaving like one hotdog out of a pack in the fridge, i wouldn't mind chucking it all in a bowl.


made barley-stuffed peppers today. not bad.


paris hope you got your favorite spicy meal.


my crazy neighbors are moving out. ahhh yessss.....

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it's not a huge job, small bathroom leak. it can wait a few days. i don't mind waiting a few days, as long as i know which day it'll be. but i'm irritated that he gave me a day and then flaked. i mean, i'm skipping a pay day for it, of course it's almost inevitable but if i have to skip more than one because the schmuck disrespects my time i don't want to hire him. ends up costing too much and is a greater inconvenience than the leak. maybe HE should be paying ME for the lost working hours he's causing lol. i wont unleash wrath, but i'm hiring someone else. i called to ask whether he has any idea when he might be able to come by and he's like i dunno stuff comes up maybe it'll be this day or another....what??? oh okay i'll just take my vaca and wait? i just said sorry that doesn't work for me i have other things to plan.


i had repair men do that a lot. not sure if i'm being unreasonable. but i mean " dunno..stuff comes up"????!

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That still stinks! (No pun intended, given it's in the loo.)


haha... I can't believe they can't give you a straight answers as to which day they'll be there! Just don't succumb to the temptation of coffee, sis!


What's for elevensies????

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elevenses was hazelnut pudding! yours?


ha, ya know when he started with the "sumpinsumpin 's come up" i was thinking "yeah, had a drink too many and a girl over and can't get up before 5 pm right?".


so they're not like that everywhere? i had this happen before and often hear ppl complaining about "waiting for a repairman".

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elevenses was hazelnut pudding! yours?


ha, ya know when he started with the "sumpinsumpin 's come up" i was thinking "yeah, had a drink too many and a girl over and can't get up before 5 pm right?".


so they're not like that everywhere? i had this happen before and often hear ppl complaining about "waiting for a repairman".



I'm trying to think.... I don't believe I had elevensies... Although last night I went overboard. Oh my goodness, it was a junkfood-a-roma kind of night. It started out with a coffee, with a piece of cinnamon coffee cake. Then I flushed that down with a Monster and bag of doritos.


The repair dude totally had a girl over. Or he met someone and was like, "oh do you want me to take a look at your bathroom pipes?" Or perhaps the ole, "wanna see my wrench?"

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haha yup, more interesting piping must've come up.



cinnamon cake ohhh yummm. my appetite is kinda low today too. had no secondbreakfast or secondsupper or any seconds at all. found a half eaten bag of peanut snips and didn't devour them. they'll probably wait until saturday when i "party like an animal" watching my shows.


we the Shirefolk sure don't tipically skip our seconds and elevenses though. hope we aren't falling ill


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really? they don't sell snips? i was sure you guys invented them, having the best snacks and all things peanuts. they taste kind of like those cheesy puffed balls *giggles. balls.* but generously coated with ground peanuts. i usually have to finish the bag once it's open.

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really? they don't sell snips? i was sure you guys invented them, having the best snacks and all things peanuts. they taste kind of like those cheesy puffed balls *giggles. balls.* but generously coated with ground peanuts. i usually have to finish the bag once it's open.


I almost spit soda all over my computer screen when I read your post. Thanks sis!!!!


Yea, I was reading your post about donuts earlier. I have one at least once a week. (You would never know it, though.) I try and get legit donuts. Not the garage they sell in grocery stores. Although I've been known to eat those as well.


Why aren't there any good donuts in the Shire?

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can you get "whole" donuts in the states? ours usually don't have holes and are filled with either jam or custard cream. they're okay when warm, after that the dough is kinda dry and spongy. kinda hard to find really tasty ones. or that's just us. a lot of ppl seem to like them.

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Oh yea, we have just about any kind of donut you can think of. There are "old fashioned" which are tasty with black coffee. They're basically plain donuts. You can get donuts with frosting, sprinkles, these little crunchy crumb things, etc. They also make these donuts called munchkins or donut holes. Which are little round donuts that you can pop on your mouth like Skittles.

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ohhhh wow, so that's why everyone is eating them. i recently saw a recipe with pineapple slices dipped in donut dough, so basically they make donuts with a pineapple center. i wish they sold THAT here, i'd buy those. not too keen about frying stuff at home. frying oil smell, ugh. pretty sure some donuts can be baked instead though.


the hungry twinsies lol.

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hahah.. exactly.


I was at the grocery store today and had to pick up one item. Sooooo, I didn't have enough cash so I decided to charge it. Long story short, I picked up a few items including an apple turnover with frosting. Where was my twin to share this with?!?!

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