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Thinking about this girl I won't be seeing for two months


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Hello everyone

So there's this girl at college who I think was kinda into me a couple of years before. We never really talked or anything, but I could say by the way she looked at me. she's really beautiful and I don't consider myself to be an attractive person, so that rarely happens. I liked her too, but back then I wasn't really looking to date anyone because I had been doing pretty bad with my classes and I wanted to get back on my feet again. So I didn't make a move.

Recently I've started to think about her again and kinda can't get her out of my mind. But the problem is she's left the campus to study for this big exam, so she won't be around for about two months. My initial plan was to wait for her to come back and ask her out maybe. But I'm kinda all over the place and don't know if in two months I'd still be interested. I mean that's what usually happens with me. If I don't make a move quickly, my feelings fade away pretty fast. I wanted to see if she's single at the moment, so I asked a mutual friend, and turns out she is. Then he suggested to give me her number. Now I don't know what to do, wait for her to come back and risk the feelings disappearing or take her number and ask if she's interested in the middle of her studying. What do you think I should do?

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Honestly? What's the point of getting her number if you won't see her for 2 mos? Why not try to build a rapport by friending her on fb rather than getting her number from that friend and asking her out when she can't date?

I'm kinda all over the place and don't know if in two months I'd still be interested.Now I don't know what to do, wait for her to come back and risk the feelings disappearing or take her number and ask if she's interested in the middle of her studying.
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I'd get in touch and use the 2 months to get to know her casually. If she's such a great girl and you are worried about a missed opportunity, then just get in touch and see what happens. 2 months feels like ages but it's really not, especially if there's a possibility of having something special with someone. But yeah maybe don't ask her out right now. Just touch base, ask how she is, then in a month casually mention how you'd like to grab a drink/coffee/food whatever when she's back.

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If you like her, give her a call anyway, don't worry about her exams and the distance. People still have to have a life in and in-between exams. I kinda like mbee's advice; maybe you two can start casually conversing or texting via phone while she is away. The two month thing kinda sucks, it might sound kind of awkward asking to date her two months from now.


How far away is she from you? Is it possible at all to meet her on a date during this two month period? What about when she finishes college, is she going to be close enough to you? Some things here aren't adding up.

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If it was me, (which it isnt), Ide wait the two months, then ask her out. Final exams weird people out enough without people adding to the chaos. You are hitting her at a very stressful time.

You dont even know her, ("We never really talked or anything, but I could say by the way she looked at me.")so adding you to her exams doesnt sound like a good plan. But hey, I screw up this kind of thing all the time. Thats why Im on this forum to see if I can learn anything.

Your 'hot and cold' attraction to women is unusual, I think. Also: you are afraid someone else will get her in the next two month before you do?

Ide wait the two months. She might feel more like celebrating after the stress of the exams, maybe let loose a little and go out for coffee with you.

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