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Should I break up with her?


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I'm nearly 17, in HS and have a GF. She goes to another school though, I know her because she was a friends cousin. Anyways she liked me and it went from there. Anyways she seems pretty crazy, she wants all of my attention and wants me to spend all of my free time with her. She also freaks out over little things such as when I don't open her messages instantly. One example of this is I was having dinner with my family and put my phone away for 30 mins and my phone has 80+ snaps from her because she's freaking and thinks that I don't love her because I didn't open her message instantly. And left me voice messages of her screaming at me and freaking out and what not. After I replied she kinda calmed down but still, it seemed excessive. Anyways we've known each other for over a month and I want some advice on what I should do. And if I should break up with her how do I do it without her freaking out and doing some things that she would end up regretting? Any advice would help.

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Yes. I think you should break up. She should be spending time with her family also and concentrating on school. She is acting possessive and crazy. How do you do it without her freaking out? She freaks out over everything, so there is no way you can prevent that. I would call and tell her that you do not allow anyone to call you or leave you screaming voicemails. You do not deserve to be treated that way - and its not working out for you and its best not to see eachother again. I normally don't suggest phone breakups, but you have been going out for a month and I would be worried that she would lash out at you physically if you tried in person. And NO you do NOT love her because you don't know her well enough or long enough to love her yet.

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Yes, you should break up with her.


She is in no way mature enough for a relationship, and her behaviour is inappropriate and unacceptable. Don't waste your time. And this isn't love, you two barely know each other yet.


You won't be able to break up with her without being upset. But if you are genuinely worried she'd do something to hurt herself, you need to inform her family.

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Barley a month and this is how she's acting?? Imagine in 2 or 3 months!! You will be crazy!! And her getting mad about you not replying when you were spending quality time with your family that's a problem! If you really like her first talk to her and tell her what's bothering you and if you don't see any changes we'll break up with her !!

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Wow, yeah cut her loose. She has some major control and clinging problems.


There's no need to live like a prisoner on parole being smothered to death like this.


Normal girls want your attention...but this? hell no 68;6739360]I was having dinner with my family and put my phone away for 30 mins and my phone has 80+ snaps from her because she's freaking and thinks that I don't love her because I didn't open her message instantly. And left me voice messages of her screaming at me and freaking out and what not.

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