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This girl told my friend that I am scary, full of myself, and more?


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Maybe you're reading her signs wrong. For instance, I play with my hair when I'm nervous or really tired, not when I'm flirting with someone. Also, I think you see staring into someone's eyes for a long time as flirting. It isn't. It makes women nervous, like you're challenging your power over them or something.


I'll say it to you this way: If I were in her position, your staring would have made me uncomfortable and nervous every time I saw you. I play with my hair when I feel like this. You think I like it and continue to stare at me. At this point, I'm so creeped out by you that I tell your friend that you scare me.

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I'll say it to you this way: If I were in her position, your staring would have made me uncomfortable and nervous every time I saw you. I play with my hair when I feel like this. You think I like it and continue to stare at me. At this point, I'm so creeped out by you that I tell your friend that you scare me.


Would you stare back at him even if he creeps you out? She does, that's what I do not undestand

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You sound like you need to work on your people skills.


She sounds totally immature and manipulative.


Work on your people skills and give this one a hard PASS.



lol, how did you figure out she is manipulative?

She was using a guy for rides back in 2015, and she knew he liked her but did not care at all. She rarely ever talks to him now

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No, I am sure she starts playing with her hair at the exact time she sees me..Or maybe she was lying to my friend? Even though I don't think anyone would lie about someone being horrifying


I play with my hair when I am nervous or uncomfortable, not when I am flirting. its not a "come hither" - its a "i need something to do with my hands because I feel uncomfortable"

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Or maybe your "friend" is lying about everything he said that she said about you. Have you ever considered that??:stupid: You said that he likes her too.....chi


He would never lie to me, he's one of my best friends, one that is always there for me when I need him.

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Staring at someone is not a good way of flirting. If a guy was constantly staring at me but never made a move I would definitely be creeped out. She probably is too. When I catch someone staring at me repeatedly, I stare back in the hopes that they will understand how unsettling it is, and look away. This is probably why she is staring back.

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But everything I said is happening at the same time, for example, one of these signs happened three days after she told my friend all that


I don't care when it happened, you're missing the point. She doesn't like you staring, and gets upset that you won't just talk to her like a human being instead of just staring at her. Say hi, nod your head, look away. Only interact with her in small doses and smile, for heavens sake.


Staring is not flattering, it's a sign of aggression. This is why they tell you if faced with an angry animal do.not.stare.it.down. We actually did experiments on this in college when I took psychology classes. And yes, even the attractive women in our class reported men initially being flattered by open ogling then getting upset and angry when the person continued to wide-eyed stare with no other response to the object of their eyeball glare.


It sounds like the problem is you just stare and don't say anything. There's your problem. Talk to her like a normal human and tuck away the ogling. People don't like it, no not even guys. This is why "Overly Attached Girlfriend" is a thing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]11266[/ATTACH]


P.S. That gif with the guy popping up behind the park bench? Is absolutely creepy as hell. And yes, this is exactly why peripheral vision is your best friend.

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I don't care when it happened, you're missing the point. She doesn't like you staring, and gets upset that you won't just talk to her like a human being instead of just staring at her. Say hi, nod your head, look away. Only interact with her in small doses and smile, for heavens sake.


Staring is not flattering, it's a sign of aggression. This is why they tell you if faced with an angry animal do.not.stare.it.down. We actually did experiments on this in college when I took psychology classes. And yes, even the attractive women in our class reported men initially being flattered by open ogling then getting upset and angry when the person continued to wide-eyed stare with no other response to the object of their eyeball glare.


It sounds like the problem is you just stare and don't say anything. There's your problem. Talk to her like a normal human and tuck away the ogling. People don't like it, no not even guys. This is why "Overly Attached Girlfriend" is a thing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]11266[/ATTACH]


P.S. That gif with the guy popping up behind the park bench? Is absolutely creepy as hell. And yes, this is exactly why peripheral vision is your best friend.


Thanks, but is there a chance she might be lying about me being scary, horrifying and full of myself, considering she did not tell it to me directly? Do girls do that very often?

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No, I am sure she starts playing with her hair at the exact time she sees me.


Oh lord. Playing with hair does not equate to flirting. Stop reading PUA crap.


This sort of thing used to make me want to stay perfectly still when I was a kid, lest some dude think I was flirting with him.


If you have a relationship with her where you go to lunch and talk, then she probably doesn't think you're creepy (although "eye-raping" is just about the most unfortunate choice of words you could have used). Could your friend be lying to you?

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Thanks, but is there a chance she might be lying about me being scary, horrifying and full of myself, considering she did not tell it to me directly? Do girls do that very often?


Do you think someone who finds you scary would tell it to your face? Come on now.


No I highly doubt she would lie about that.


Either way, stop staring. Ask her out for a coffee or something if you like her. Just... no more staring and trying to send / receive non-existent signals.

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Oh lord. Playing with hair does not equate to flirting. Stop reading PUA crap.


This sort of thing used to make me want to stay perfectly still when I was a kid, lest some dude think I was flirting with him.


If you have a relationship with her where you go to lunch and talk, then she probably doesn't think you're creepy (although "eye-raping" is just about the most unfortunate choice of words you could have used). Could your friend be lying to you?


No, I am sure he is not lying, he is one my best friends. That's what I am trying to understand, there is no way she thinks I am creep, I catch her looking at me sometimes when I am doing something else, and she also starts some of our conversations

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