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My ex and I had been dating for 4 months, she became distant the last couple weeks. I'm not really sure of the cause, maybe she felt unimportant to me. When she broke up with me, I asked to meet up, but she didn't want to, she said there was no point because she had made up her mind and that she didn't want to be in a long serious relationship. Right after the break up, I went into no contact to become a better person, and heal up. It had been 10 days of no contact and she messaged me an emoji of a heart, I looked at it, and carried on with my life, I thought maybe it was an accident since our messenger emoji is a heart. She sent another 4 hours later, I thought to myself, maybe bad luck? Finally, before I went to bed she sent me another at 12am this morning. I'm confused as to what this emoji really means, I mean she broke up with me, but she is only sending these emojis, nothing concrete for me to even reply to. Even if we got back together over an emoji that has no words, our relationship would have less meaning, and she could break up with me over anything expecting me to get back with her. What should I do, and what do you think these heart mean?


ps: I'm 21, she's 19 if that makes any difference.

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After 4 mos of dating she may not have wanted anything more.


Good you are no contact. Now block and delete her to avoid emoji texts and other breadcrumbs for attention.


This is not communication, it's nonsense: dating for 4 months. she had made up her mind and that she didn't want to be in a long serious relationship. she messaged me an emoji of a heart, She sent another 4 hours later, she sent me another at 12am this morning. she is only sending these emojis

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lol.....as far as breadcrumbs from an ex go.....that's so lazy and effortless it's bordering on insulting......


Do yourself a favor and go ahead and ignore her completely or better yet, block her for your peace of mind. She is pinging you in the laziest way possible for an ego boost, as in she wants to know that you are still pining for her and are willing to jump to an emoji like it means something.... Yuck, save yourself some dignity and delete her.

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Thank you all for the input. I didn't reply, I'm gonna wait to see if she messages me something concrete which would justify a reply. If not, I'll message her after no contact. I'm already over the relationship, but I still like her and have feelings for her, which is odd because I have't had feelings for anyone or anything, not even close family after their passing in the last 4 years. She's 18, which is why her games don't surprise me, I'm 20, so I'm the mature one.

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I'm 21 and she's 19, sorry typo, I don't know why I put 18 and 20, doing some java homework , and it's getting in my head, lol. Yeah, I mean she has my Facebook and number, so all she has to do is use words, it's really all up to her if she wants a reply.

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