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No contact for a year and then a message..


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I went NC for a year then a few weeks ago she emailed me out of the blue with a different email address since she was blocked.


She was asking to be "friends" and for me not to "hate" her.


I replied saying everything was water under the bridge and everything was cool.


She replies a week later and ask's some questions about me etc.


I reply within 2 days. Now its been 3 weeks and still no reply to the response I gave her when she was asking some questions. Clearly the conversation wasn't over.


What sort of "friend" doesn't reply even after THREE weeks?

My other friends who I have email contact with usually reply with 24-48hours.


Should I call her out on it or just let it be?

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Agree block the new addresses and contacts and go no contact. It sounds like she was recently on the outs with someone and decided some breadcrumb responses would be an ego boost for her. Yeah, no.

I went NC for a year then a few weeks ago she emailed me out of the blue with a different email address since she was blocked.She was asking to be "friends" and for me not to "hate" her.
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Made this mistake recently and never ever wish I had. (Absolutly paying for it) u replied let it go. I thinking if you still have any feelings for this person you should have never replied in the first place I wish I never did.


I don't anymore. But it was she that wanted to be friends. Some kind of friend that can't be bothered to reply after a month. I would be pissed if one of my real friends just left me hanging like that.

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