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How to get best friend (ex gf) back.


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My best friend of 2 years and girlfriend has just broken up with me (about 2 weeks ago).


It was because apparently she didn't know how she felt and I wasn't giving her enough time.


I hate my life now and want her back and want to show I haven learnt my mistakes. we've hung out since and both had a great time but she still says she dosnt know how she feels and denied my invitation to dinner.


How can i get another chance? Please help!

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How old is she? Enough time for what? What mistakes? In 2 weeks you can't fix all that by asking her for dates or begging her to get back together.


Best to go no contact for a while so both you and she can get some space, reflect and miss each other. Wait for her to contact you.

girlfriend has just broken up with me. It was because apparently she didn't know how she felt and I wasn't giving her enough time. and want to show I haven learnt my mistakes.
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Don't smother.

Let her figure it out on her own.

Go through your life normally.

If she loves you and cannot be without you, she'll come back.

If not, at least your learning how to move on with your life without her.


Oh and if there's any faults that you've done in the relationship :

This gives you the best time to introspect and improve in case things work for round 2.

If they don't work for round 2, at least you can be improved for yourself and another in the future.

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we're 18 and in last year of Alevels. Apparent she felt a little rejected because i didn't give her enough time. its no been 3 or so weeks and i'm trying no contact but i miss her so bad and fear with nc she will easily just move one because "every time [she] talks to [me] i get more confused". I really want to just meet up and talk. find out why she broke up. find out her feeling and apologies and promises ill be better

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