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exs? why do they just ignore u?

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why do exs ignore you?


my ex and i broke up 6 weks ago, it was almost mutual by the way i accepted that he needed to be on his own and i love dhim n trusted him enough to let him go and move on........it was the nicest break up i have had....civilised, understanding, hugging and crying......


we said we hoped to b friends, i just wasnt sur eif i was goin to be able to...


i didnt speak to him for a month, i needed time as we all do, but when i felt strong enough i sent him a hello email..........i got no response........


the thing is i feel so hurt, i hate the feeling of he doesnt care anymore, he doesnt even wnat me as a friend even..........


why if w ehad no reasons to not be friends, is he ignoring me?


i was his first gf, first intimate mate, friend everything.


we broke up cos he just isnt ready for serious rshp ( been together almost yr)


why is he ignoring me? i dont wat to email him or call or anything if he doesnt wanna hear form me, i understand the hardships of break ups, but i just wanna understand why he cant even reply, even if to tell me to not b friends


anyone know?

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There's a chance he hasn't even read his e-mail yet. There is also the chance that he isn't ready to be communicating with you, perhaps he has other things going on in his life that he is focusing on. I would let things go for right now...NC for a little bit longer perhaps a month or more. Then write him another e-mail being honest with him. Let him know that you understand if he doesn't want to communicate, that he might have moved on, but you are a little sad because you were under the impression that you were going to try and be friends. If he does not reply to this e-mail I would not try anymore. You will just have to chalk it up and begin to let it go.

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ha! timing.........thanks for your reply........i say timing because i just sent him an email........im one of those peope who need to knwo where they stand, cos if we arent ogin to be friends ild liek to knwo now so ican work on also gettin over that now.........u know.


its a really non pressured email, i just figured ive not even asked him about the why whys of the break up or pressured him about anythin in the past but always supported him n never needing explanations always just trusting him.......so for the first time im odin what i feel i really need, n im only asking for one thing, n thats if w ecan be friends or not.


i just wrote that im just wnating to knwo if we can or not, that i understand if he cant n of course i dont wanna email him or anything if he doesnt want me to, just i wanna know where we stand cos i kinda feel hurt as i thought we were goin to try to be, but i understand if he cant be, but to pls let me know, n that if he cant even email me to let me knwo that, that i guess ill just get the drift, so i didt even put pressure on him to email me back on this..........soemtimes i think i should tho, anyways i do really need to know n i think its ok to ask that seems there is no reason we cant be, as its one thing to break up but another to not even talk anymore........i just hate the htought of having him completely not i my life, as he started as my friend n i miss that part of him

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It's good that you didn't put any pressure on him to write back. I hope it works out for you. It can be difficult to remain friends with an ex after a break up, but each situation is unique I suppose. Just remember it might seem rational to you that you two remain friends...but he may feel differently about it. Hope it works out for you...be strong. It might just take some time for things to fully heal before you can get back to being the friends you once were.

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