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Can I consider suing for sexual harassment?


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I've been away for quite some time. I will catch you all up on the general details later, but I have a specific question (I'm in US btw)


I belong to a volunteer organization. 80-90% predominantly male. It's difficult being in that environment, but I managed and donated many of my accredited skills (no side jokes here) in the form of pro bono design, marketing and advertising. But I also partake in this club and it's leisure activities (as a paid member. No free rides for what I have contributed.)


Several months ago, a truth came to light regarding a personal photo and how it was obtained via my phone and distributed. From what I have ascertained, my phone was taken for a few moments that I set it down and had live screen and a photo was copied and distributed.


This distribution, while unknown to me, caused extreme duress to me upon its discovery by me.


Do I have recourse? I am so upset in a multitude of ways, firstly with being a mother, but also feeling violated.


Advice? Thoughts?

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This is way too vague. If your phone was unsecure and it had racy photos, for example, anyone could have taken it ... Not just guys at work. If they have been distributed, that might be distributed from a person unknown to you and people at work just happened to get ahold of it. Just speculating.

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I've been away for quite some time. I will catch you all up on the general details later, but I have a specific question (I'm in US btw)


I belong to a volunteer organization. 80-90% predominantly male. It's difficult being in that environment, but I managed and donated many of my accredited skills (no side jokes here) in the form of pro bono design, marketing and advertising. But I also partake in this club and it's leisure activities (as a paid member. No free rides for what I have contributed.)


Several months ago, a truth came to light regarding a personal photo and how it was obtained via my phone and distributed. From what I have ascertained, my phone was taken for a few moments that I set it down and had live screen and a photo was copied and distributed.


This distribution, while unknown to me, caused extreme duress to me upon its discovery by me.


Do I have recourse? I am so upset in a multitude of ways, firstly with being a mother, but also feeling violated.


Advice? Thoughts?


How is this sexual harassment? What does you being a mother have to do with anything? Did you have some "racy" pictures on your phone? Why would you leave them on your phone and unsecured? Or was it just an unflattering photo of you?


You can sue for anything but you won't necessarily win. If you're as vague in your lawsuit as you are here, you definitely won't win.

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How did you discover this? How was it "distributed" and to whom? Is it a nude photo? Did someone take a screen shot of this photo from your phone?

my phone was taken for a few moments that I set it down and had live screen and a photo was copied and distributed. This distribution,caused extreme duress to me upon its discovery by me.
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