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Getting a girl to like you "like that"


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okay, well lately it seems that all the girls i'm interested in and i feel like they like me too end up only liking me as a friend, or they don't see me "in that way"


It's rather annoying lol so how do you get girls to see you "in that way" instead of always a friend?

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That is a question that I think many of us would like to see answered


Maybe you can avoid ending up in the infamous Friend Zone by asking the girl out in an earlier stage.



How do you know they like you as a friend? Is that as a response of you asking them out?



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ilse has a good point. Try asking a girl out before you become too close as a friend. Some girls will then just see you as either a really good friend or a brotherly figure, and nothing more than that. If you ask them earlier however, you have a better chance of avoiding that. Nevertheless, I hope something good comes up for you soon .

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How do you know they like you as a friend? Is that as a response of you asking them out?


Yep, that's what i got recently, just as a friend, and a little while before that i got the "don't see you like that"


I'm just looking for ways to be more attractive and seen as a possible person they'd go out with

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You don't get girls to see you "like that" it either happens or it doesn't. Sounds like you are on the right track, being there friends. Be nice to them and have confidence in yourself. Eventually you'll meet someone who does like you. Keep on being you and doing what you are doing, it will work.

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Lots of people will give you different answers on the subject. I myself have already posted 3 times (everytime I've had another failure and wondered what I did wrong this time) and haven't gotten any 100% good answer... It's really hard, but those ppl who are able to approach any girl and they click with her have got to have a secret... it can't just be mere chance that they click with almost any girl they approach (I've seen it happen, and plz don't tell me I am wrong). Sorry I can't help very much. Best wishes and good luck.

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I've never bought into the idea that "it's there or it's not", but so many people insist on treating it that way that it's hard to get good ideas on how to change it. There are actually a few articles on the site about this.


Ideas I've heard, but can't vouch for:

  • Do exciting things together, because they tend to heighten the biological sensation of emotion.
  • Give her a really exceptional kiss - usually this involves getting permission. The biochemistry involved helps to produce attraction and interest.
  • Change her perception of you by visibly finding someone else to be romantic with. If she sees you showering romance on someone else, then she'll get ideas of her own.
  • Pull back from her so that she is put in a position to pursue you in order to get the positive effects she got from the friendship before.

I personally think that the dynamics of the relationship need to change on a fundamental level before someone changes their mind about the friend/SO decision; a stable situation simply won't change. But it seems like most people don't want to rock the boat nearly hard enough to get the results that they want.


I leave the moral questions involved to other people.

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For me its physical attraction that separates my boy - friends from my boyfriends (or crushes, anyway), lol. ArcadianX has the idea.

Someone said something before about being too close too, and they were right -- a few of my friends have had experiences where (even if they are attracted to the guy) they just become -too- good friends with them.. and then when the guy asks them out, they're like "but Fred, you're like a brother to me!"

And then, if a complete stranger asks you out you're more likely to reject them because you dont really know them, or what they're like.

God we must be confusing. XD


I'm just speaking for me, anyway, I can't really speak for anyone else and i'm pretty sure that all that above will change when i'm older, but for now.. yeah.

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My friends tell me that the reason I fall into this trap is because I tend to be hard to read. Hard to read... and I hold back too much.


I think that by the time you hit the 3rd date, there has to be some kind of physical "move", either from you or the girl. One of my best friends has a rule of thumb: "I stick my hand down their pants". That, apparently, is how you avoid the Friend Zone.

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^^^^^ hahaha nice


Well i might do that IF i could even get the first one, or second...lol sad i know


Got one first one, my only one, and that's all i got....


Hard to read...hmmm well i'm really quiet, but that doesn't have anything to do with asking out a girl does it?

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