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What's your biggest pet peeve?


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Saying or typing "that being said" and "having said that". You say something, don't say that you said something after you said something. Also "at this point in time". It should be understood that if you say something like "I don't know", you mean you don't know at the time of the answer. "I seen that" is another "nails scratching the chalkboard" moment for me.

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I would say ANY kind of mouth noise like chewing or smacking. Especially if it's someone that's just a friend. My wife I can kind of tolerate.


I never tell this pet peeve in person because every idiot I do tell it to has to start smacking their stupid mouth after I say it

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Omg just reading that made cringe.


He says he wants to " taste it properly" don't know what the hell that means. But he has had sensory issues his whole life. He would only wear turtle necks as a kid no botton shirts . No this no that. He has a lot of nervous tics from his dad pounding on him emotionally from the time he was a toddler. Those will never go away. He is 47 years old. He also has OCD which is not bad now but it used to be. I don't have to wonder where my son came from .

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This is another vent about a real pet peeve of mine.... trolling on message boards!


Nevermind the numerous posters who post the most ridiculous, outrageous stories simply to "stir the pot" that are obviously made up, I am talking about long-time posters who are incapable of keeping their stories straight.... and make up **** that doesn't jive with any of their previous threads.


Like yesterday, I won't mention names but a poster posted something about dating this guy for a month, but in a previous thread posted only 3-4 months earlier, she talked about her recent marriage!


When asked about it, she disappeared, they all do as I see these contradicting stories posted A LOT.


Why do people do this? Make up ****?


I just don't get it and will never understand it... it just really bugs me though, not sure why exactly, it just does!!

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when someone greets women with "hello lovelies". i've just heard so many sleezbags, psychos and perverts address women and girls as "lovelies" i want to shoot the person and run whenever i hear or see it.


I've never heard that one but if a guy calls me hun, I tell him I'm not a hun.

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