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BF just said:"guys will have sex with anything that moves"


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"yeah, if there is a hole, guys will slay it. Just have to try it ya know. If there is a hole on the wall, we'll put it in ya know"


Sure, if you're a thirsty mutha effer with no standards. Sorry but I'm not the one to be poking just any hole with a heart beat. I need to be feeling a woman's vibe and there has to be attraction. These swimmers aren't free ya' know!

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Tell him to quit playing mind games by making stupid commets. Including the "downhill comment".


Tell him to stop verbally and emotionally abusing you.


Tell him he needs to think about what is coming out of his mouth if he wants things to go smoothly, he's an adult he's supposed to know better (and I know he does). Don't be afraid to say this to him. He's not afraid to say the things he does to you.


A person says something stupid by accident ONCE, not several times in a continous matter.


The things he is saying seem like mind games to me and I don't think he is saying these things because he doesn't know better or by accident. He's testing your reaction(now I can say this for sure since he just made another stupid comment about going downhill).


P.S. You didn't need to apologize! It's not like you said it. All you needed to do is tell him "be careful about what you say..because what you say is a reflection of what you think" and then DROP this whole thing, not repeat it over and over again to him, repeating it doesn't let you move forward, you address it and move on. If it does happen again that's when you take it more seriously.


As an old saying says: A joke always contains a half truth! And the same joke said 2times = half a truth!


I suggest you move on from this and continue the relationship but before you do tell him to quit all his mind games...because if they continue, well, we all know where they lead...the end.


I still think if he didn't have girl roomates, this would not of been such a big deal, but yet again if he is the kind of person that cheats he can find girls to cheat with at other places and doesn't need to hit on roomates..


Good luck..

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His joking might be his way of lashing back at you.


I agree with this! That's probably why he made the "downhill" comment..


The downhill comment was also I think a warning for you to stop mentioning the comment he made and stop abusing him with it...


He said it once it's not a big deal...if he says it again or does something bad that's when you take it seriously..

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