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Man, I just watched the most romantic movie ever on Netflix, "Kate and Leopold"... I am like crying now, it was that romantic with happy ending. It was really funny too, not too "sappy" or overly sentimental as such movies often are.


Not sure when it was made, a few years ago I think.


Kate is an American career girl (woman) living in NYC in year 2000, and Leopold is an Englishman, who came to NY looking for an American girl to marry in year 1847.


By accident he was transported from 1847 to 2000, meets Kate, falls in love, I won't say any more in case you want to watch.


Hugh Jackman plays Leopold, he is my new favorite hero.... modern men could learn a lot from him (Leopold) actually, but they won't.


Will just continue with the games and BS, same for women.


Anyway, lovely movie really.

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I watched that a couple weekends ago. Very sweet!


Did you love Hugh Jackman/Leopold as much as I did?


I reckon I should watch more of his movies.


I was down for the count last weekend (illness) and watched EIGHT movies.


I liked all of them, but I think I must be into fantasy these days cause I also really loved Edward Scissorhands, a gem by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp playing Edward.


I cried at that one too.

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Did you love Hugh Jackman/Leopold as much as I did?


I reckon I should watch more of his movies.


I was down for the count last weekend (illness) and watched EIGHT movies.


I liked all of them, but I think I must be into fantasy these days cause I also really loved Edward Scissorhands, a gem by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp playing Edward.


I cried at that one too.


What a coincidence. I was home sick for 4 days not last week, but the week before.

I seriously binged watched Netflix movies during that time and this was one of ones I watched.


Yes, HJ played the character really well. I can't say I am smitten for him the way you are.

He is handsome, no doubt but you have no competition from me


When my kids were younger, we watched Edward Scissorhands a zillion times. That's good standard.


Try `What's eating Gilbert Grape' That's an early Johnny Dep one that is almost a cult classic. I never get tired of it.

A very young Leonard Dicaprio played probably his best role ever in it.

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What a coincidence. I was home sick for 4 days not last week, but the week before.

I seriously binged watched Netflix movies during that time and this was one of ones I watched.


Yes, HJ played the character really well. I can't say I am smitten for him the way you are.

He is handsome, no doubt but you have no competition from me


When my kids were younger, we watched Edward Scissorhands a zillion times. That's good standard.


Try `What's eating Gilbert Grape' That's an early Johnny Dep one that is almost a cult classic. I never get tired of it.

A very young Leonard Dicaprio played probably his best role ever in it.


'Edward Scissorhands' reminded me of a modern version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.... Edward being the outcast and everyone eventually shunning him (cept for Winona Ryder) who was also really good! Sad ending though.


Believe it or not I have never seen 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape,' but will definitely check it out.


I am on a big movie kick these days!


I also watched "Rain Man" "Rachel Getting Married" "Tootsie" "Rainmaker" "Birdman" and a legal drama "The Whole Truth" (with Keanu Reeves and Renee Zellweger) which I didn't expect to like but I actually REALLY liked!


Hope you're feeling better reinvent... I'm not all the way better but getting there.

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