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Hi SB,


I probably would have sent a follow up Reply-All to my original email shortly after the first (end of day, or next morning). And if still no response, I'd send another, noting their lack of response and asking what is their preferred way for providing the information. I might mention my meeting with our boss, and his request that I have this information ASAP.


Be sure you are not asking for handholding. I'd also consider that this week might be a crazy busy week for her and your other co-workers, gearing up for the end of year, the holidays, and a week away. If everything comes by email to them, then your one email could easily get buried, and the timing may have been off for them to add a request to their list. If your request affects their ability to do their job, understand they might not jump to do it. Be persistent and clear, and do as much of your own research as possible. Who else would have this information? Would it be in the annual report, or on the company website?


I would not view my co-workers as adversaries. I would keep in mind that they have their own interests in mind, and want to look good AND we are on the same team, so I want them to be successful as well as myself. It is a great idea to go to the careers forum, and use your time off of work to work out approaches and options. She may be right, it might work best for you to observe for yourself in the new year. Perhaps that is how she gained the information, and you could ask her that and if she has tips on what to do or not do. Yes, get there early, maybe have coffee with these coworkers. Hang in there, don't beat yourself down. If you are inclined to, or to focus on negatives about your job, Stop and challenge yourself to list 100 Good Things about yourself, and then 100 Good Things about your coworkers, and then about the job. Similar to a gratitude practice, it can open your perspective to a situation, and to your own strengths, accomplishments, and possibilities.

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Thank JN. I did find out about one of my future clients when he came into the office. I have read all the notes on him, and seen the resume he has been using which does not even have references on it. I have a good understanding of his qualification as it is from my former field of work where I had been in 2 team leader roles. I'm yet to interview him, but done lots of research to better market him to prospective employers and feeling very positive about that.


You are right, I do see at least the woman as and adversary. I feel nervous around her because of the way she communicates and her bad-mouthing of me. I will try and not focus on that.


I do agree that it was unrealistic of the manager to be so insistent that I be provided with that list of names before the new year, and yes, they have been very busy tying up things for the end of the year. The male worker let slip that I will be meeting the young male jobseekers on January 3rd, the day I return to work.

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I meant to mention, I thought you handled that with your son well. He was grumpy and you didn't take the bait.


As for your work, see I wouldn't even waste the thoughts that she is "bad-mouthing" and he is "unrealistic" because that would only drain me, and I wouldn't be any closer to understanding them and their motivations. (It is keeping them as adversaries, not team members.) He may need a list by the end of the year for budgeting or reviews or whatever. She may feel her plate is full and it is not on her priority list to stop and provide you with information that you will pick up on your own. I don't know, they don't necessarily have to explain. I don't understand why you feel the information about Jan 3rd is information that was "let slip" (you aren't supposed to know) and why it matters that it was a male worker. I may be wrong, but it sounds like you don't trust people there. Maybe that is affecting your interactions and rapport? Do you distrust the people at your job?

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Yes, I distrust the people in the office where I am based but not the 3 other offices of the same organisation which I have visited, trained and worked at - obviously not a long time as AI gave only been with company for a month, but I was at one service for a week, and you would hardly know it is the same organisation.


Re the male worker, I said male to differentiate him from the woman who I have felt stressed by the most. If he knew that I would be seeing this client and others, why wouldn't he have provided me with the list of people he is referring so I can do background and preparation. The manager and AI had both asked. I know you probably don't get my point. That is okay.

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She said to me when AI first started that she believes our 2 roles should NOT collaborate, and that my interviewing should not be based on any information from her and the other consultant. Because she and the other worker have not given me information as requested, and that practically every time I have spoken, I'm told she is too busy or answered very shortly, my manager has told me that it concerns me that I am not engaging with them, that in order to keep my job, I have to demonstrate this, it stresses me. He has made it very clear that if I don't meet up to what he wants, the job will not be there for me. Sorry, but that stresses me. I am seeing things that need to be done with this house. I am at the end of my money, and I don't want to hang around for another stretch of unemployment.

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I have to find 6 jobs a month for people who are long-term employed and then the government pays money to the company in increments. The person needs to stay in that job for 26 weeks for the company to be paid the full amount by government which is usually between $3,000 and $10,000.

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What are her reasons to not collaborate? Is your boss in agreement about that? What did you tell him when he pointed out that you have not brought in money? What were her concerns about your driving? I would get more clarity when these things are brought up, and clarify WITH THEM what their expectations of you are. It doesn't seem to be clear yet, and things come up that surprise you, or that you don't have a response to. I understand it can cost a business to hire and train a new employee, and they need it to solve a problem in order for it to be worth it. If it can be clear to you what problem(s) you are there to solve for them, the better able you can document what you are doing toward that aim. At this stage, it sounds like you are building the groundwork. I understand it is stressful for you, and I hope it all works out.


" I am at the end of my money, and I don't want to hang around for another stretch of unemployment." Hang in there, see more resources and money and solutions flowing your way, and yourself moving forward with satisfying work that supports you. It may not come as you expect, so try to let go of expectations and judgement. Hug and love those furries!

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I know the answers to those questions JN but because my posts already so long, haven't posted them.


I found out that up until 6 months ago, the boss was doing MY job. He is new to managing that team, and the woman, J said to me (which I think I posted previously) that I am not to take any formalised steps in brokering jobs until I have spoken with her - that she and D, the other consultant have both been in the field much longer than the manager has, and that they know more than he does.


I think it's lijely that at least part of this is that I am a pawn in a passive-aggressive game between them. I have been in the workforce and on earth long enough to recognise control freaks when I see them. The manager and J are both control freaks. J's lack of collaboration with me is a way of undermining the manager. His blaming if me enables him to vent his frustrations without confronting J who is second-in-charge.


I will go back, earn as much money as I can for them while I am there, and if this crap still going on And I am not sacked, I will apply elsewhere for employment. I do recall J also saying that I would not be ready to be reverse marketing until the new year. I gave had to take in an enormous amount of information including social security law and employment in Australia, learning the computer systems, ploughing through learning modules, and AI have still managed to do good marketing AND create spreadsheets of my marketing. This document does not seem to have existed prior to me being there.

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