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I bought some beautiful work clothes today but I'm so annoyed with myself. I had bought a blouse, and I must have left it in one of the stores so I will go back tomorrow. I didn't get enough to time to get a jacket, and I need to get fitted for some new bras. I'm popping out everywhere!


I would like to lose weight. This is the heaviest I have been for a very long time, and I don't like it. As well, I think my hair is looking finer. I bought a little bit of makeup. I don't like wearing heaps, but I bought a natural looking cream blusher and a new lipstick.


I was a bit annoyed as the acquaintance who called me asking me to meet her this morning, postponed for a few hours. Then when I called to check all was okay, she said she would another couple of hours so I told her truth, but nicely that I had to be somewhere.


I had to go to the employment agency who hired me to see the lady who used to help me with my job plan, etc. as I am now working for that company, (but in different location) all the workers came out and congratulated me. I'm going to be working with one of them, the consultant, in 2 weeks, and then I will see all of them at the staff Xmas party. They said that my boss K is very excited that I am starting.


He called me today and asked if I was still planning to work for them!! He has my car ready for me. I. So excited! The workers I saw today said that K is a really nice man, and the team where I am working are all very nice people.

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I'm cheering you on, Silver! I'm not surprised they are looking forward to you, joining them, and I'm sure you'll be a great addition to the organization. I'm impressed how you make steady progress forward, addressing issues that come up, considering options, making choices, taking action. Major thumbs up from me!

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I was a bit unwell yesterday, and had this strange body sensation which I can't recall having before. I think it was a craving to be hugged and held. It's such a long time since I had an intimate relationship. Maybe now that my most pressing problem - employment and money - have been sorted for the time-being, I'm actually aware of that part of my life. There's nobody on the scene I'm interested in, and I'm definitely not doing the online thing. Strangely, I have been having bad dreams about all of my exes, even my ex-husband who I haven't been with for over 20 years.


did you get a hug, silver?

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Isn't that the best? When the company who hired you get all excited about you working for them, like "I finally found the right person and can't wait for you to start", it makes you feel good doesn't it.


Also that blazer looks very nice



Lady, I can't really remember that happening before! And he is telling a lot of other people he is very excited about me coming. I'm going to work so hard and make sure I really do a fantastic job!

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Hi 90! No, I haven't had a hug. I'd like one, but not from just anyone!


Lum, I see that David Lawrence do spring versions of some of their classic jackets. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get into Melbourne for at least a week. I've also seen some jackets done by another well-known Oz designer named Trent Nathathan which are very reasonably priced.


A friend has given me a sewing pattern she has had for years and never used. It's exactly what I want - a collarless jacket with a v-shaped neck and one button so should be easy to sew. I haven't seen the David Lawrence or Trent Nathan or anyone except I think Versace (and of course I don't have that money). I'd like to make a few in different shades of grey ranging from light grey teamed with white to charcoal in garbed end or similar fabric.


I HAVE A NEW DOG! SHE IS ADORABLE - but in need of TLC. She's been neglected for at least 3 years. Well, she was fed every day and not beaten or anything, but she was definitely not pampered. She was an outdoor dog for last few years. Her original, a lady in her forties died 3 years ago. When she was alive, dog was inside, and then husband wanted i

Her outdoors. He is moving on interstate and not taking her with him. She adores my dog, and even good with the cat although she has never seen one before. She is SOO in your - a dwarfed Maltese, smaller than most chihuahua has.

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I ended up getting a grey Basque jacket. It looks nice - much more nicer than in the photo. Model looks skanky. I bought jacket only and will be wearing it with white silk cowl type collar blouse and White manderin collar blouses and others. I've got couple of black pencil skirts and black trousers.


I've seen that you can buy Cue jackets on EBay in new condition but used for around $50 plus postage. Saw some lovely near new ones. I tried on a Cue jacket today - perfect, gorgeous, but black, size 10, and it was just ever so slightly too tight around the waste. That does it! I'm going to lose a bit of weight - just enough to fit size 10 perfectly. I was despondent to find that I now require size DD and E bras. I got 2 minimising bras, and you wouldn't now with the minimising bras that my breasts are LARGE. I hope Im Not going to get problems with that in my old age. I suppose within 3 months of going back to work full-time, I expect to lose some weight anyway - I hope so.

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My poor baby girl must be feeling better now she has had the flea treatment. I havnt seen her scratch for almost an hour. I've also put dog breath freshening drops in the water. I gave her one of those natural bones. She didn't know what to do with it or the dental bites. I've bought a recommended brand of oatmeal shampoo and conditioner which will help her inflamed skin, some nice fresh meat and chicken, and a squeaky toy which she loves!

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Hi Lum, thank you. I got through my first week of work. Very tired by the end of the week. I'm scared still of stuffing up, especially since I found out that a girl before me stuffed up and was sacked. Everyone keeps their heads down and gets stuck into the work, and most people get there half an hour early and makes sure they have everything ready to go before the official starting time. My first week was mostly about ploughing through online training manuals, and I will have lots more to get through. Tues-Thursday next week, I will be based in another city and spending time with another worker who does my job there. My boss is really nice, but makes it very clear that I'm expected to achieve to keep my job.

There are some things quite different to anywhere I have been. Emails are sent for. Everything -especially phone calls. It's a small office, four of us and the boss. One woman even sent a sarcastic email because someone had left some cups in the tea room sink. I find her overly judgemental about clients and she strikes me as a woman who doesn't like most women, but the boss clearly likes her as he is very happy with her work performance. In couple weeks, I will be doing quite a lot of training with her so hoping it goes ok. I'm not going to do or say anything to jeopardise my job and definitely don't want to get on the wrong side of her.


I love having the car which is almost new. It's so comfortable and pleasant to travel in.


My whole week has been focused on work. Unfortunately, as I'm getting into the swing of things and had things to do with both dogs this week, I've had late nights, but catching up on rest this weekend. I'm going to have to be extremely organised to fit everything in. I'm glad SES training is on Xmas break for a few weeks as that gives me but more time to settle into work.


I can tell that I've lost a little weight already. Don't have a lot to lose, but would like to. Lose at least an inch from my wastelane, and quite a lot from bra size.


The new dog couldn't be going better than she is going. She's clean and free of fleas now, but like my other white dog, sensitive to certain grasses and seeds so it's important to keep lawn down. I have to mow my backyard today. Will use the grass catcher, and then give her a bath. My older dog is Snow White and looking like a new dish mop at the moment. I'm going to travel next weekend to a dog groomer to get him cut as short as I can for the summer. Hopefully, she will see us every 7-8 weeks so AI can keep both of them well-groomed. Sounds fuzzy, but past experience has shown me that it's extra important for white dogs because of the skin issues most of them get. The charcoal drops in their drinking water has made a big difference to all of them. I think that not only does it improve breath, but I'm sure it helps with doggy odor in the skin. Cat is drinking it too with no problems.


I'm fortunate enough to have my horse aguster offer to feed my ponies every second day starting from yesterday. Over the weekend. We are moving them to a paddock with more grass, putting up some temporary fencing and strip grazing them.


My job came just in time as my savings almost all gone. I will need to put away as much as I can in case I'm looking for another job in a few months time. I plan on working my butt off.


I hope things are going well for you.

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Your new doggie sounds so sweet, I am happy your first week went well, your boss sounds great and very balanced.


I saw a little white maltese-ish dog down at the lake this morning - she was bright white with a pink tail ! - looked like a pink fountain of fluff running through the long grass! very funny.


I hope you have a lovely weekend.



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Thanks Lisil! Little dog hasn't got much of a tail ATM but it's looking much better than a week ago when she came. She hardly had any hair on her lower back from scratching. As well as the bathing and flea tablets, I put calamine lotion on it and Sudocream on her bottom and inner thighs.. We use it for a heap of things here including nappy rash. It must have given her relief as she lifted the other leg up for me to put the cream there as well. She's cuddled up beside me right now as she follows me everywhere. I will have to work out how to add the photos so you can see.


Part of me wants to rush about doing things here I think I should be doing, but I know I need a good rest so I can get into things at and for work next week.

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