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Gym vs. Working out at home?


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Gym or outside. Because when I am home, it's my relaxing space. I like going out to work out, I enjoy that.


That said, right now I am making due with a set of hand weights and walks outside because it's the best I can do right now. But I like the mental and environment break of somewhere else to go to work out physical energy

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Gym or outside. Because when I am home, it's my relaxing space. I like going out to work out, I enjoy that.


That said, right now I am making due with a set of hand weights and walks outside because it's the best I can do right now. But I like the mental and environment break of somewhere else to go to work out physical energy


It is better then nothing though grandy , that's how I view it ..

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I think of this in the context of whether one is an introvert or an extrovert. If you get your energy from alone time, then at home may work well if the space accommodates it. If you get your energy from people, then the gym or some other group format might work better.

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I prefer working out at home.I enjoy the flexibility of being able to do an exercise video at home..when want, It is convenient. It doesn't matter what the weather is like. My home is open 24/7 .Commuting to the gym makes the act of working out a lot more time consuming, and plus having to actually make the trip a lot of the time just doesn't seem worth the trouble when I have some home equipment, some videos, and can get my workout done in just the commute time to and from the gym alone. I think it's a personal choice.To each his own.

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Home. I like being able to watch a show while I hit up the treadmill. Or outside like trails/hikes/scenic walks. Tried gym before, didn't really like it, felt lost if I didn't bring headphones for music lol. Plus too many ppl too many distractions if I'm out, I can't concentrate. Being at home allows me to focus better and it's wayyyy more comfy. Plus I can save face working out at home and no one can see how ugly I am when I'm sweaty and gross hahaha

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Space is limited here in NYC, or I'd love to stock up on a squat rack, plates, and a row of weights. I get most my cardio from sports, so never had a need for a treadmill or elliptical at home.


I split my time between working out at home and at the gym. I've got a bench and a couple dumbbell handles that I can put plates on for most exercises. I go to the gym to deadlift, squat, and using the smith machine for guillotines without a spotter.

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Space is limited here in pippy's or I'd love to stick her up on a squat rack, plates, and a row of weights. I get most my cardio from rolling her marleys , so never had a need for a treadmill or elliptical at home.


I split my time between working on pippy at home and at the gym. I've got a bench and a couple dumbbell handles that I can put pippy on for most exercises. I go to the gym to spice things up by squatting , and using the smith machine for pippy without so much as a pint of Guinness inside me .



good to know j ... ^^^^^^^^^

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