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What makes you feel old?


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Turning 27 in a couple months, not "old" but getting there and feel like it some days. +1 on the body aches. I have had a herniated disc since I was 20~. My whole back is messed up these days from years in sport karate. If it ain't my back, it's my feet, knees, and/or shoulders. The physical ailments definitely makes you feel old. My vision is also garbage now; without contacts I am legally blind, used to never wear glasses/contacts as a teenager.


Also I still play video games and I play with these damn kids, 13, 16, etc. Makes me feel old hearing people born in 2000 and things. Also my niece makes me feel old, I held her as a baby in high school now shes growing up to be a young woman.


Oooh I can top that. Two of my three nieces have children of their own.

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It sucks. Unfortunately, adult friendships start to resemble this satirical piece too.


SOME friends in their mid-thirties have made a vague, doomed plan to have a drink.


36-year-old Tom Booker called 38-year-old Stephen Malley to arrange going to the pub the following week.


Malley agreed that this was a good idea and that despite needing to check with his wife it would “be fine”.


Booker said: “I didn’t suggest a venue as that seemed a bit heavy. I just sort of left it that we would speak again.


“To be honest, during the conversation I started to wonder whether it was a good idea. It’s nice to see friends but going out is so tiring.”


Malley said: “Initially I was enthusiastic. I even suggested calling some other people, although I didn’t go so far as to name them.


“The upshot was that we both agreed that we were theoretically into going to an unspecified place, possibly as part of a larger group, on an unspecified date.


“It’s never going to happen.”


Booker said: “I think I’ll just not call him and hope he doesn’t call me.


“Somehow this all really makes me think about death.”

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It sucks. Unfortunately, adult friendships start to resemble this satirical piece too.


Eh, yeah, a lot does become like that. The pressure of working even part time like I do and then family life and everything make me super tired. Especially after getting sick. I try to keep up with friends. I think I do a fair bit. But it definitely declines as we get older.

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I was talking with 2 female colleagues this week about aging, not sure how we got on the topic, but they are both around 45 and started telling me about how much it sucks, physically speaking. Like how the random, daily aches and pains started soon after their 40th B-days, and how they have noticed their hair thinning out, especially at the front hairline, and the fine lines around the eyes, they both complained that they can't manage their weight like they used to, one noticed an increase in chin whiskers and upper lip hair, and that she is paranoid about her developing jowls...


I was just..."get me outta this convo" and I went back to my desk and realized I only have 5 more years until I hit 40...

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I was talking with 2 female colleagues this week about aging, not sure how we got on the topic, but they are both around 45 and started telling me about how much it sucks, physically speaking. Like how the random, daily aches and pains started soon after their 40th B-days, and how they have noticed their hair thinning out, especially at the front hairline, and the fine lines around the eyes, they both complained that they can't manage their weight like they used to, one noticed an increase in chin whiskers and upper lip hair, and that she is paranoid about her developing jowls...


I was just..."get me outta this convo" and I went back to my desk and realized I only have 5 more years until I hit 40...

Late 40's physically life sucks! And it doesn't matter how much you exercise and what kind of physical shape you're in either . My brother who is in fabulous shape in his late 40s still says the aches and pains are there . Oh yeah anything past late 40s and you're going to hurt, your skin is not the same, your hair is not the same . On Tuesday I enter my fifth decade and I'm scared .

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I didn't have that experience at 45. I was married only a few years, had a 3 year old, incredibly active (home with him full time- out and about most of the time) - I had mostly quit all diet soda so I was in better shape than in my 40s. Obviously some changes happen but it's on a spectrum, not a given, and negativity about it makes it worse. At 49, I got my driver's license and now at 50 I've just gone back to my career pre-child (part time) and it feels like a new beginning.

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I didn't have that experience at 45. I was married only a few years, had a 3 year old, incredibly active (home with him full time- out and about most of the time) - I had mostly quit all diet soda so I was in better shape than in my 40s. Obviously some changes happen but it's on a spectrum, not a given, and negativity about it makes it worse. At 49, I got my driver's license and now at 50 I've just gone back to my career pre-child (part time) and it feels like a new beginning.

Our life feels like a beginning because we have an adult and can do more now. It is like we have not seen each other in 2 decades... lol. We can't completely have our own life yet but it is nice.

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Hearing teens calling their significant other "bae and boo".




I relate to this one.


I feel older because I can see the next phase of things, in a hazy vague manner I can see a variety of lives post-childcare.


As someone said, you're only young once, but you may be immature for a lifetime. In that sense I feel young.

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When my son and I watch YouTube. Pop culture has gone in some really interesting directions.


When I see photos on the news and they look really old, and I realize I was an adult during that period.


My hair is finally starting to thin.


I can still get it up, just can't get it in.

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The Home Alone movie is 26 years old this year.


Say what you want but my God, that makes me feel ancient.


I don't have too much of it anymore but back pain makes me feel very old.


As a whole though, I don't feel too old though. I think that will change as I get older but I don't feel afraid of aging within itself: I am just afraid of things that come with it. I am not worried about metabolism slowing down as much as I am worried about osteoporosis (I am high risk and it runs in my family) and other health issues. I worry about feeling lonely. I worry about saving up for retirement.


Overall though, I strive to live my life as well as I can, I plan my life path according to what I want to do, I live where I want, I avoid the people and responsibilities that I don't want in my life, I try to find meaning in what I do, and take a lot of time for myself, doing things I enjoy. Yesterday, I slept in very late, got up, ate sushi, drank water, went for a looong walk, and then played a new mystery game on my Playstation that I've been meaning to start. That was fun. I needed a "me" day, even though I try to take "me" time everyday.


Things like this make me feel not old, not young, but ageless. I have a few years until my 30s. I'm in my late 20s. I have no anxiety about that.

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