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The Biggest Loser: The journey from the game room to the weight room...


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My therapist told me to go to the gym whenever I was anxious, sad or wanted to play xBox/ Internet surfing.

I decided to start with the exercise before letting other solid changes permeate through my life.

*Cumulative Total Gym Visits since 9/15/2016: 68 hours

*Day: Sat 11/5/2016


I made it for the "boot camp" class in the morning. After an hour, we were cooling down and doing push ups and this 55-year old dude, remarked:

"Hey man, are you ok? You are "wheezing".

Well, I replied hard. "I'm only wheezing because the class is too easy and I'm trying to not make everyone feel bad at how good I am."

Unknown to me....The instructor was behind me.

He then said "Oh? The class is too easy??"


He then stood there (after everyone left) and made me do 2 x 10 oblique bends (on the Bosu ball), plus sit ups, plus jumping burpees, plus squats on the Bosu.

He made sure to stand there for a solid 5 minutes to make sure I did everything. No one was even around, they had either left early or finished and left.

Surprisingly, I finished it all. The 68 solid hours I logged in 7 weeks at the gym has helped.


I was mad at that smartass 55-year old dude but said I would get my "revenge" soon enough by being better than him.

I can't wait to see him again.

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Um the guy did nothing wrong, he was just concerned about you it seems. The instructor however, is mean. Honestly? Not only did he eavesdrop in a private conversation, can't take a joke, he "punished" you like you were a school kid or as if you're in the military. I expect to be treated like an adult and with respect, so that'd be the end for me with this instructor.

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My therapist told me to go to the gym whenever I was anxious, sad or wanted to play xBox/ Internet surfing.

I decided to start with the exercise before letting other solid changes permeate through my life.

*Cumulative Total Gym Visits since 9/15/2016: 70 hours

*Day: Sun 11/6/2016


I got up, grabbed my bag and went to the morning boot camp at a different branch. It was just me and another guy (a bigger dude....like overweight) and 18 women.

The boot camp was easy compared to my main gym location, so I breezed through the clean and presses, push ups, squats and bosu ball exercises.

Afterwards, I spoke to the gym instructor and thanked her for the class. I told her I go to the main gym location.

Amazingly, she asked, "So, do you teach at that location?"

I told her no, but was surprised.

The classes are getting easier since I have been going 10 times a week to the gym.


Right after this class, there was a Bodypump class. I stayed in the room, and when the women gathered, I took that class too.

I was shocked that I could even endure the second straight hour of working out.

After that, people rushed in the gym to get their spots for Zumba. I thought of taking it but decided to pass (I wasn't tired) and see if I can do it another time.



New haircut, clothes and supplements

After the class, and after the instructor honestly thought I taught a class, I decided to "up" my game. I went to the hairstylist and she looked at my mop of hair that I fell over forehead with bangs, she decided I needed a change and gave me a "David Beckham" haircut.

I then went and bought some proper Underarmor underwear since I am in the gym everyday and then found a Gold Gym's sweatshirt. I don't know but I look really good in the sweatshirt! The color and fit was very flattering.

I then went to GNC and the store manager who does MMA sold me $230 worth of supplements.

We talked for an hour and he said if I wanted to really "up" my game, he could refer me to his trainer friend.

I was awed by how the trainer looked on Instagram. The GNC guy told me the trainer looked so awesome because he pays $400 per steroid injection.

Wow. That is pricey, I wonder how many shots this guy does? He even competed in the NPC Competition with the steroids.


I wonder if I should call this guy if I want to have cantaloupes for triceps and biceps. they look out of the ordinary and certainly will get you noticed.

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No steroids!


Do you want breasts, do you want your "man parts" to shrink? Do you want to go into out of control rages at people???!!


Please, please do not damage your body with steroids. Please continue to work out the natural way.


You're doing great, why ruin it with drugs???

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No steroids!


Do you want breasts, do you want your "man parts" to shrink? Do you want to go into out of control rages at people???!!


Please, please do not damage your body with steroids. Please continue to work out the natural way.


You're doing great, why ruin it with drugs???


Thanks Boltnrun.


About the steroids, I think you are right. Here's what I found....

1) Taking them orally leads to weird bladder cancers as it is very toxic to your liver...so I would never do it orally

2) The better way (which professionals do) is to inject them so it bypasses the liver....however.....


I did a bit more research and my bodybuilding heroes from my childhood are now all DEAD from heart attacks and weird stuff (i.e. liver transplants or kidney failures) in their 40s.

Ronnie Coleman, Mike Mattarazzo and so many more IFBB pros. Scary.


Besides, I've been on supplements for a month from another store....and my chest is breaking out. Steroids would break me out everywhere.

I'm gonna put acne cream on my chest.

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Common side effects with anabolic steroids may include:


Severe acne, oily skin and hair

Hair loss

Liver disease, such as liver tumors and cysts

Kidney disease

Heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke

Altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal tendencies

Alterations in cholesterol and other blood lipids

High blood pressure

Gynecomastia (abnormal development of mammary glands in men causing breast enlargement)

Shrinking of testicals

Azoospermia (absence of sperm in semen)

Menstrual irregularities in women


Excess facial or body hair, deeper voice in women

Stunted growth and height in teens

Risk of viral or bacterial infections due to unsterile injections

Source: Drugs.com


But hey, you'll have guns the size of grapefruits!


Does having to go through all of that seem worth it to you?


I'm glad you're doing research on the internet and getting out from behind your gaming console. But this is just asking for a lot of trouble.


You're doing great with the workouts, why ruin it?


And news flash, not all women want a man with guns the size of grapefruit. I don't. I like a fit man who got that way by being active, not from drugs.

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You really need to get a checkup before you have a heart attack. Do you smoke or have asthma? Being over 40, out of shape and pushing it may not be providing any benefits.


Thanks Wiseman!


I really hate doctors (feel like I could pass a birthday/ grow cobwebs/ lay eggs just waiting and waiting in the waiting room).


But to answer your question:

1) I had an EKG in 2015 and everything was within the "normal" range...

2) No asthma. There was slight hypertension so I was told to exercise (not play video games for 10 hours) & cut out processed/ canned food (which I ate every. single. day.)

3) I don't smoke nor drink alcohol (never started, preferred being on computer),

4) I don't eat rice, bread and pasta as it gives me a horrible "insulin" crash. plus I don't like sugary foods....I get a "sugar" crash

5) When I joined the gym, I'm 14% bodyfat per the gym's bodyfat test (they give you one free one when you join). I'm hoping to get to 9-10%.



I probably "treat" myself to a diet soda once a week when I go out to eat. But it is not like I miss it or "need" it.

I would take those "5 hour energy shot" things when I used to game all day and night. It was better than sugary Monster rotting my teeth.


Blessing in disguise

My feeling of daily anxiety = has resulted in me visiting the gym everyday. Sometimes, twice a day.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it could be a good thing since some of my friends don't even want to leave their house when they

game (they will game from Friday evening to Sunday). I still have to tackle my mess. And my mail. And organizing my clothes. But one day at a time, I guess.

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Um the guy did nothing wrong, he was just concerned about you it seems. The instructor however, is mean. Honestly? Not only did he eavesdrop in a private conversation, can't take a joke, he "punished" you like you were a school kid or as if you're in the military. I expect to be treated like an adult and with respect, so that'd be the end for me with this instructor.


Thank you! I will make sure to not give him the evil eye. I did that when he said that.


I think it was because I was also jealous of him, doing the bosu ball with so much ease. I was sweating puddles.

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Rather than waste money on potentially harmful useless supplements, why not invest in things that track your fitness such as blood pressure/pulse machine. Hypertension is the silent killer and a major risk factor for heart attacks. Panting and wheezing to the point where people are concerned is defeating the purpose of all this vanity, no?

There was slight hypertension so I was told to exercise
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Keep in mind you can over exercise. Max hour a day for 4-5 days a week is a good amount, I wouldn't do more than that. Your muscles need rest days as that's when they actually grow stronger as they rebuild after tears during the workout. If you don't rest, you're going to see opposite effects.


Also on the bulked up look, you're once again trying to appeal to women and buying into what businesses and people selling men products are trying to convince you of. To be honest, most women don't like the body builder, bulky look in men. Most are attracted to fit, well toned men, adding bulk does nothing for them. In fact bulky men is a turn off for some, myself included.


Again it says to me, this guy dedicated WAAAAY too much to the gym and probably taking steroids to get here, that's not what I want in a guy, so no thanks.


By all means get fit, it's good to exercise. But why don't you try to attract women just by being who you are and let them get to know you and like you as a person?

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My therapist told me to go to the gym whenever I was anxious, sad or wanted to play xBox/ Internet surfing.

I'm trying to exercise 10 hours weekly for my health first (article below stating why) and also, for mental benefits.


*Cumulative Total Gym Visits: since 9/15/2016: 72 visits

*Day: Mon 11/7/2016



My Laundry Got Mysteriously Done

I *hate* Mondays and woke up late (without an alarm). I rushed to the laundry since I left my clothes in the washer since Sunday morning and found my roommate (who has a really messy room full of laundry) had put my clothes in the dryer, taken them out and folded them. Wow. That's awesome.



Mike Lost 43 pounds

I rushed to the gym to shower and then I felt anxious at work, so I went to boot camp over lunch. This overweight dad, Mike, told me he was running 3 miles before work and then went to the boot camp at lunch. Well, that motivated me that if he could do it, I can too. He had lost 43 pounds by coming to boot camp everyday.

During the class, Becca who taught the class, gave us rounds and rounds of push ups. People were giving up or doing it on their knees but I found myself getting stronger, so I was able to keep doing the rounds and rounds of push ups. I was dropping drops and drops of sweat as people were sitting by or getting water.

I looked up the mirror and noticed my arms were getting much bigger, enabling me to do the push ups with ease.


Blond Jack Got Engaged

After work, I went for strength training class with Jack. Jack, the gym instructor always drew LOTS of women to the class. Jack was thin and had such light blond hair that he had no visible eye brows. He also had a long, thin face (which I am jealous since I have a babyface) and I heard from his substitute that he proposed to his girlfriend last week.

I notice a girl, kinda 10 pounds overweight in the class at the front who always worked out with a full-face of makeup and with hair let down. I honestly think she looks like she's at the club and enjoy seeing what her "look" is each time as some women come for working out, but she is there each time with really different but heavy make up. I also notice her staring at Jack haha


The Talkative Swimmer

I breezed through the strength training as I wasn't tired & also took some aspirin as my arms and butt felt sore (from the 2 back-to-back classes I took).

I wore my shorts and sat in the steam room and this 40-yeard old guy said hello to me. He had talked to me before and sat there with his swim trunks next to him. He was probably 20 pounds overweight and sat there nude in a room full of other gym goers (men).

I said Hi back since he had talked to me.

We talked for a bit. He asked me if my wounds healed and I said "yeah, I don't fall off too often from my skateboard".

He then said he works from home for a large company but comes here to swim. I said "wow...if I were you, I'd be in bed all day. I have a really warm comforter. Or I could play xbox and no one would know." He laughed and said he couldn't do it as his bosses would know if he did that.

He then asked what I did.

I said, "I majored in software engineering and finance..." and before I could finish....he said "so, you're studying that in school now?"

Wow. I don't recall how many times people assume I'm in college.

I told him "no"....and said "with that combination, I do cybersecurity for a large bank".

He seemed very surprised and said I could be working in IB.


I told him, "No....GS, BC and BCG would only want quant jocks from like Tuck, Stern or CGSB, not me since I went to a regional school".

This time he seemed very surprised and said "wow...I don't think I've talked to anyone who knows what IB is by it's acronyms. Or that you also know those companies by their acronyms".

GS = Goldman Sachs

BC = Bain & Co

BCG = Boston Consulting Group

Tuck = Dartmouth

Stern = NYU

CGSB = U of Chicago

I told him that I'm not in school but I'm thinking of pursuing my doctorate in Comp Science (I'm still undecided that I am not sure how much it would help my career/ or if I have the time/ stamina for more school).


He then keeps talking to me that I should pursue it. then, he told me he has a "husband" and they have been together for 18 years.

He then points to my trunks that says "Aeropostale NYC" and tells me about his NY trip.


At this time, it got really a bit too long and I felt tired from all that exercise so I said "bye" & headed on my way.

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My therapist told me to go to the gym whenever I was anxious, sad or wanted to play xBox/ Internet surfing.

I'm trying to exercise 10 hours weekly for my health first (article below stating why) and also, for mental benefits.


*Cumulative Total Gym Visits: since 9/15/2016: 72 visits

*Day: Tue 11/8/2016



Messy Bed, Messy Head

Last night, I ran into my roommate so I gave him 3 big jars of pasta sauce plus 1 large McDonalds Frappucino. It was just stuff I didn't eat anymore.

After eating, I went to bed really early at 9am....


I woke up at 3am and just didn't want to sleep in...I felt like I have *wasted* so much time on the internet looking at crap/ xbox...so I took 2 "5 hour energy shot" and got myself to work to clean up my mess.


*I used to "live and sleep" in a permanently darkened room with dark bedsheets pinned to the window frame.

I opened a package of curtains and put them up so I would have a proper window coverings and for the first time, have a room with sun.

*I walked around with a messy old backpack.

I finally opened a new cool backpack (it was $$ as it had my fave College Sports Logo) and organized my stuff in it & dumped the old bag

*I had clean laundry all over the floor so I started picking EVERYTHING up and folding them and put them on the table.

*I decided I deserved a nice bed so I collated the bedding and put them in the laundry at 4am.

*I sorted my very alarming stack of mail and 50% of it was junk so I threw out the junk and took the important mail to my room

*I organized, found some important papers I was looking for the past 2-3 weeks and then tidied everything and mopped the floor


*I arranged my NFL football, my football gear and my gym bag.


I don't recall the last time I was so excited about my life now (not living in a mess).


*Can A Basketball Court Make You Feel Like You Can Do Anything?*

I don't know how this is possible but the early morning boot camp is always full (usually of these marathoners). We worked out non-stop on the basketball court....sprinting, then falling to do 20 push ups....then running backwards, then falling to do 20 push ups....

At 8 minutes in, I really felt like walking off for a coffee...but I see the middle aged dad "Mike" there still hanging in there and decided to keep going.

This instructor asked me


We ended by holding a "walking planks and doing a push-ups" the length of 2 basketball courts and back.

With all my visits, push ups have become easier and easier....since EVERY class I did required me to do push ups and I don't cheat on them.


Mid way, I saw the older guys giving up. I saw the "video game" girl from my original class doing the push ups on her knees and struggling.

Only a few people kept going. People were dropping like flies because the push ups, as you moved every 3 feet along the court was tiring their arms.

I did it the length of the 1 court (to the black line) got up to rest for 20 seconds.... Then I dropped down and continued for the other half.

I slowly but steadily kept going and finished all the way back of the 2 courts with the "walking push ups".


I was in a puddle of sweat, but I felt so confident about myself....I realized that every time I exceed my expectations, I can tackle my everyday challenges.

I said I would go into work and take care of many things that I had neglected (due to my anxiety).

I'm so proud of myself.

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Keep in mind you can over exercise. Max hour a day for 4-5 days a week is a good amount, I wouldn't do more than that. Your muscles need rest days as that's when they actually grow stronger as they rebuild after tears during the workout. If you don't rest, you're going to see opposite effects.


Also on the bulked up look, you're once again trying to appeal to women and buying into what businesses and people selling men products are trying to convince you of. To be honest, most women don't like the body builder, bulky look in men. Most are attracted to fit, well toned men, adding bulk does nothing for them. In fact bulky men is a turn off for some, myself included.


Again it says to me, this guy dedicated WAAAAY too much to the gym and probably taking steroids to get here, that's not what I want in a guy, so no thanks.


By all means get fit, it's good to exercise. But why don't you try to attract women just by being who you are and let them get to know you and like you as a person?


Thanks NotALady!


I think guys at the gym (and guys I know) are always in awe with the guys from bodybuilding magazines....because it looks so out of the ordinary...to have triceps and biceps like cantaloupes.


I'm realizing it's not really possible naturally. The more and more I research, it seems that "HUGE MASS" look (where they also have shredded abs) is only possible with rounds and rounds of various steroids. Who knew, right?

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Common side effects with anabolic steroids may include:


Severe acne, oily skin and hair

Hair loss

Liver disease, such as liver tumors and cysts

Kidney disease

Heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke

Altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal tendencies

Alterations in cholesterol and other blood lipids

High blood pressure

Gynecomastia (abnormal development of mammary glands in men causing breast enlargement)

Shrinking of testicals

Azoospermia (absence of sperm in semen)

Menstrual irregularities in women


Excess facial or body hair, deeper voice in women

Stunted growth and height in teens

Risk of viral or bacterial infections due to unsterile injections

Source: Drugs.com


But hey, you'll have guns the size of grapefruits!


Does having to go through all of that seem worth it to you?


I'm glad you're doing research on the internet and getting out from behind your gaming console. But this is just asking for a lot of trouble.


You're doing great with the workouts, why ruin it?


And news flash, not all women want a man with guns the size of grapefruit. I don't. I like a fit man who got that way by being active, not from drugs.


Thanks Boltnrun.


I realize that you have to work out ......3-4 hours a day + have the steroids to get to the bodybuilder "huge" size....like the 250 -285 pounds of lean muscle.

You still have to work for it, the steroids just artificially "forces" the muscles to repair, enlarge and grow at a much, much faster speed.


Not for me...

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