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My one month ENA anniversary


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I feel like I've been on this forum forever but it has been one month!!! I never ever thought I'd be content with deleting all of my social media apps and trawling the pages of eNA to give advice, get advice. I love it. I love seeing all the regular posters and their words of wisdom. I like the honesty I feel I can give and be open to getting it back. This forum is slowly changing my life. I've posted this in off topic because it is right?? Happy Saturday night to all

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I feel like I've been on this forum forever but it has been one month!!! I never ever thought I'd be content with deleting all of my social media apps and trawling the pages of eNA to give advice, get advice. I love it. I love seeing all the regular posters and their words of wisdom. I like the honesty I feel I can give and be open to getting it back. This forum is slowly changing my life. I've posted this in off topic because it is right?? Happy Saturday night to all


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