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So around this time last year I was dating this guy that ended up being the guy of my dreams. I fell jn love with him on our first date. He us funny, smart, so incredibly thoughtful. He has a way of making me feel 100% comfortable and able to be myself. He brings out the best version of myself I can imagine and I feel like I would give him the world if he asked for it. My friends love him and he is the most sincere and genuine person I've ever met.


We only dated a couple of months and the only reason why we broke up is to save ourselves from catching too many feelings because he was allergic to my pets. I was(and am) not willing to give them up, nor is he willing to get allergy shots....plus he knows his allergies more intimately than I ever would. We've kept in touch and wanted to remain as friends because it's just so easy to enjoy each others company regardless of the circumstance.


I moved back to the same city as my parents and away from him and many of my friends. Recently I visited my old city and it was the most challenging time I had with him since our breakup. He was wonderful as always which made me fall for him 10000x harder....but now he has a girlfriend....


I've started dating too but I'm finding it hard to separate the guy I'm seeing and the guy I'm in love with.


I'm planning on moving back to the city I met him in (not just for him but because I had made a life there that I miss) and I'm not sure what to do about it?


When I was visiting I could tell he missed me as well and I'm just not sure how to move forward with him. I'm conflicted if I should keep my feelings to myself or tell him that I'm in love with him (which I hadn't done when we were dating).


All I want is for him to be happy...but I'm also hoping he can be happy with me?

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Well, if he has a gf, I would certainly respect that. Just stay friends with him and see what happens after you move back. If it's meant to be, you two will end up single again at the same time and you'll be able to explore it further. But, right now, I don't know that you have to make any decisions because he's got a gf....so, there's nothing for you to do. If you really mean it that all you want is for him to be happy....then just keep in touch with him and hope he's happy whether it's with his current gf or not.

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You only dated a couple of months and a vital incompatibility ended things. He has a new life and a new gf.


Do not be that creepy ex who disregards his new relationship and tries to get back in the picture.


Continue to date your guy or other guys and move on.

We only dated a couple of months and the only reason why we broke up is to save ourselves from catching too many feelings because he was allergic to my pets...he has a girlfriend....
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