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Not Safe


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And no

No god to save you

Nothing to comfort.

To the wicked ones

You are safe

And to those that believe

They believe that they are in his care

That believe they are safe,

I am sorry.

Your end is near

And that is how it is.

Begin to believe what you will not see

And believe that your life

Is not what it will begin to seem.

See my light,

And pass through.

You shall not be so safe

You will be doomed

Of this emptiness.



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Do you believe that this world is empty? or do you question what others seem to believe?

It appears as if you have your own rules and your own guidelines that form some kind of its own religion, its almost asking people to believe in something new, almost something as ironic as what they believe in already.

I feel, when reading this piece, that you want to give of an impression that anyone can create any idea -so why believe it? i mean after all god, or what youve written could be nothing but riddles.



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Thank you very much for your response kel/black_magic. Yeah it is true we can all create our own ideas of things, they are called theories. I have my theory, or my belief I guess you could call. Is the world empty? no, I just believe its full of nothing. All is riddles, its what makes life interesting, its what makes our thoughts interesting, its what makes poems interesting. I am not forcing peopel to believe, its more of a suggestive kind of poem.


I really enjoy your responses Black_magic... thank you



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