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Will she go out with me


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Ok,there is this girl right and yuh no she always giveing me hugs and stuff so the other day i asked her out and she said no becasue i was to good of a friend and i want to know if any of you guys can give me some pointers so she will go out with me

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Hi coolioso,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am pleased to hear that you are doing good with this young woman. I understand that you'd like to ask her out for a date and that your question is: how?


My suggestion is that you just ask. Obviously she already likes you, because she is hugging you and stuff. That is a signal. Besides that, you don't have much to loose. The worst thing that could happen, I think, is that she is going to say 'no'. No damage done after that, you know


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck in any decision that you make that works for you.


~ SwingFox ~

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Hi coolioso,


There's an unwritten rule that says: "Never date your friends." The reason behind this, is because if the dating game goes wrong, you also might loose your friendship and that's a BIG risk.


Could it be possible that your friend believes in this rule and thereforeeeeee that she is afraid to loose you as a friend?


~ SwingFox ~

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ok well my friend is dating a friend and they hasve been together for almost 2 years but they made a promise before there realtionship that if any thing happened they would still act like they did before the relation ship ever happened

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Hi again Coolioso,


This is the theory. However, due to feelings and emotions while breaking up, people usually get so hurt that friendship seems to be impossible after a relationship. I have tried myself and it just doesn't work for me, either.


I have to tell you, though: exceptions confirms the rule, of course. There's always people that are an exception to the rule


~ SwingFox ~

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cause i like this girl so much and like i never really had enough guts to ask anyone and i did and she said no and her friends say she likes me and so did her little brother but now i dont know if they were lieing or just she just isnt addminting it

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Talk to her a little more often. Say hi to her and and do some small talk. Make her a few compliments to see how she reacts. If the signs are positive, I would suggest you ask her out.


I hope that this will work for you


~ SwingFox ~

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