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Does ignoring someone really work?


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I think that it is quite obvious that she still likes u alot!! I have done these things in the past, WHEN I STILL LIKED SOMEONE!! If u still like this girl go after her, i really thikn it sounds like shes still very interested in u and u have nothing to lose at all!!! Talk to her and tell her how u feel!! If shes not interested then u have nothin to lose, ur already broken up. But i really think she still wants u, its very obvious. Andif she doesnt then ask her why she is still trying to contact u and ask what she wants.

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well when i tried to get her to work things out liek 2 weeks after the breakup. .. she wanted no part of it, and she seemed like she didnt even wanan hangout with me .. it was really weird. now its been 2 months since the breakup . . think maybe becasue i havent been there she misses me and her feelings have changed .. or could this be a total friendship thing?

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I definatly think that havin no contact for the last little while could have made her realize what she lost, but dont be scared to talk to her and see whats goin on. It seems like she still likes u alot, and remember u have nothing to lose. So dont be afraid and go for it!! U only can gain from this, go for it!!! I really think its obvious she really misses u and wants u back

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Well you can message her, but then on in you HAVE to explain to her this phrase "Well, I can't be friends with you, it's too painful for me, I think it'd be best if we started out again except "more than friends"." Or think of a phrase somewhat similar to this. But yeah, if your going to reply back to her messages then you have to explain that to her. If she disagrees with you about starting out new and being "more than friends" than she'll stop IM'ing and calling you and you can move on with life.

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So you think I should jsut tell her straight up that I cant be freidns after being with her .. its either love or nothing. and also ask her why she is always messeging me?


I dunno it seems like i can move on right now but not fully cause she still is technically somewhat a part of my life .. and if she stopped messeging me id prolly miss it .. that strange?

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I Still love her, but unless shes wants to be with me I cant have her around me, but I dont wanan find out that she doesnt want to be mroe than jsut friedns. Almsot like Im scared that I have to cut her out completely.

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I think i figured something out . .I like my ex messegin me becasue i ignore her .. if that makes sense. I like the fact that she keeps tryning to talk to me and I dont let her. I leave my MSN on sometimes and I realized that I do it so she messeges me and iM not there .. and she must feel stupid continuing to messege me. .. but she does. Im pretty sure shes just messeging me and trying to talk to em becuase she cant

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its totally human nature onher part . .she waant to talk to me prolly becasue she cant .. just want what she cant have .. I dunno if she wants me back now . .I guess its a possibility, but If that is the case i dunno if its for the right reasons. If she wants me back jsut becasue she thinks she cant .. I dont think thats love. Most likely means it wont work out again then . .dont you guys think? She did message me again today because I left my MSn on when I went to the gym .. and this time she didnt say hi or hey .. she just said " u there?" u think "u there" means she had somethign to talk to em about?

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To answer the original question, ignoring works only in short term bursts. It's a form of teasing. You have to make them feel like they can get you with some work. It makes them feel like they're earning you rather than getting you for free.

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I agree with montelisa. I dont' think you should just jump to ask her out. She is probably interested b/c you aren't as available as before. She also might wonder about how you are handling the break up. If you want her to stop, just point blank ask her one day why she is messaging you. Then, see what she says and if she is doing flirtacious stuff, she might be just messing with your head or interested...either way at that point tell her what the others said...that you aren't interested in a friendship, only a relationship.

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