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Dont know if I am in love with him or what?


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About 7 months ago my ex broke up with me and about a month after that a friend of mine that I use to work with at work came around.I notice he only came on the days I closed or just work there.Well i had a friend of mine to go out in lobby that night and asked him if he was seeing anyone at that time.He said no.So i went out and talk to him and told him my ex broke up with me a month ago and he said it was his loss and not mine cause I am a sweet girl.Well that same week he came back and we talked more.Well that night we met up after work and when we left the lot he gave me a kiss.I wasnt excepting that.Well we hanged out for a month before he went back to the army.Well my feelings are very strong for him cause we have know each other for 6yrs.Well I told him how i felt about him.I told him i have butterflies every time i see,when we hold hands my hands melt into his.Our french kisses are very good and very long.Well when he came back from the army.There were some problems and we talked about it.Well right now he is living with me.And I still have very strong feelings for him.I asked how we stand in a relationship and he said really really close friends.He said hes not quit ready for a bf and gf thing cause of his past relationships and he doesnt know where he is heading right now in life too cause of what happened in the army.He does know that I am by his side all the way no matter what happens.I just dont know what to do.I think I am in love with him.I think he really likes me too.Just dont know how long it will take to get to the bf and gf thing.I guess right now what to do is to be there for him and to show him that I do love him.I hope I can get some replies back. for ur time.

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You cannot wait for him to become bf/gf status since it seems that your timing is off. You deserve someone who also wants a serious relationship as well just like you. If you continue to do stuff & it seems like you are falling for him, then you are very likely to set yourself up for the label of more like friends with benefits. It's pretty much like he can have you & eat his cake to. So without the bf/gf status recognition, then he can pretty much mess around with anyone he wants. Do keep in mind that the number 1 person you need to watch out for is always yourself first. You can still support him & be by his side as a friend. However, at this point it seems that pursuing a relationship with this guy can more than likely backfire. Try meeting other new men & to compare what you truly want & need in a man in your life.

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It's obvious your in love with him and whether you want to wait for him is a tough decision. He considers you a great friend and says your both really close. I suggest wait a little while longer and see what happens. If nothing happens after a certain amout of time, then go pursue someone else. Good luck!

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I think it's funny that you say someone else knows what they are talking about only when it's EXACTLY what you WANT to hear.


The simley faces and kind words are not going to make you feel better after you log off today and go back to your situation. Yes you do love him like Alabama said, but Passions1 want not wrong in what they said.


YOU CAN NOT MAKE SOMEONE LOVE YOU. It is itehr there or it isn't. Take care of number 1, and that's you. Trust me, your friend is taking care of his own needs. That does not mean just sexually, but it also emotionally and the rest. Being his friend is going to be hard. The more you lose yourself in trying to make him love you, you'll become someone else all togehter and lose you own identity. Them when it is finaally over, what do you have left? Not even yourself.


He's just come home from the military and is not capable of loving you. He was honest and direct. Look in the mirror and do the same for yourself.

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