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Social media and my crush's best friend...


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Hello everyone,


There is a guy I really like. He invited me out for an event at the end of this month. He will be there with his friend. And his friend recently followed me on a social media platform and liked one of my pictures. I have never seen this guy before so isnt it a bit weird?


This move made me start thinking about whether the guy I like only see me as a friend? Because I was thinking maybe he mentioned me to his friend and showed him a pic of me and his friend liked me?


Friend-zoned? Or am i over analysing as usual? lol


PS: I dont like his friend. I like him and I believe he likes me too... (We are all in our mid 20s btw.)

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It doesn't sound like a one-on-one date, just a group get together at this event. What is the event and who else is going?

He invited me out for an event at the end of this month. He will be there with his friend. I like him and I believe he likes me too..We are all in our mid 20s
...same guy?
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No, its a different guy. I am done with the other guy and I am moving on.


The event is a music festival. Him and his friend both live in my home country and the event is where I study and live atm (abroad). So he will be travelling with his friend just for this festival and he asked me to go with him since he knows I like this festival and this type of music.

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Are he and his friend looking for a place to stay while attending the festival?

Him and his friend both live in my home country and the event is where I study and live atm (abroad). So he will be travelling with his friend just for this festival and he asked me to go with him.
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If you've never met him before, be very safe and bring a friend along to the festival to use the buddy system. Do not go to the place they are staying, and do not invite them to your place. Why do you want to engage in a long distance relationship? Those types have a higher risk of failure. Don't you want a companion to hang out with regularly instead of skypeing and spending a lot of money to travel to each others cities? Plus, you don't really know what kind of life he has apart from you and not only is it harder to know the real person when you don't see each other regularly, but it also puts the relationship on a too fast path when you visit each other. Spending full days and weeks together at a time at the beginning of relationship since you'll be traveling to see each other, is not a normal pace for a new relationship and is too smothering.


If you want to give it a go, make him make most of the effort for a good long while. Don't waste your own money on a high risk. And I'd withhold getting intimate for a good long while to ensure that he doesn't want a fun booty call with someone who he doesn't have to put in an exclusive commitment relationship with, versus a guy who wants a long term relationship with you and will prove himself to you over time.

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Agree with Andrina, bring a friend so it's more of a group date and don't invite them to your place. It sounds like he may have been looking for/hinting at a free place to stay.

Yeah, his friend is staying with relatives. and he asked my help to find him accommodation (hotel, hostel etc). And i helped him.
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