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Ex initiates texts and then disappears for 8 weeks

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First off, I have blocked him from everything.


The first time he sent me a text was 8 weeks after our breakup. I went total NC after our breakup, including blocking him everywhere. He found a way to text me 8 weeks later from a number that I never knew he had. I nicely replied to his "it's J, how are you?" text and asked him how he is. No reply. I then blocked that number. And, 8 weeks later, a new number with a "it's J here, what's up?" At this point, I told him to stop sending me texts from different number. No response. Boom, 8 weeks later an email from a new account, "you told me no texting, so here is an email, what's up?" I replied "uggh" and then blocked that email.


Why is he doing this? He has a gf.

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Yeah, my last ex still does this sometimes. And it's been five years, six maybe? I've lost track. At the end of the day it's just kind of damn weird, and says a whole lot about the ex's emotional state, which is not good, than anything else. I always just figured it's maybe a control thing, like they've got to know that they can at least have enough control over you to be able to "reach you" should they want to or think they may need you for something in the future. Or maybe his girlfriend tears into him every eight weeks, so he then has to see if he can get any sort of ego boost from you, no matter how tiny.


You're doing the right thing. Just keep treating him like a spammy telemarketer selling crap you no longer need. And keep blocking those texts and emails and phone numbers. It's not normal and that's why you can't understand it, because it falls out of the norms of human behaviors.


I would stop responding though, because if you had an on-off thing or you took him back every time he left it's going to take him a looooong time, maybe forever, to get the message he no longer has that power. And the best way to handle it all is to refuse to engage, block and delete, and never look back.

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Apparently it takes him 8 weeks to get over the rejection and start missing you again. I guess that's a compliment?


You're doing the right thing by blocking him. Totally love your response to his email


Yeah, the "uggh" was exactly what I felt when I read that email. Lol! Hopefully it conveyed a message of "get a life."

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Yeah, my last ex still does this sometimes. And it's been five years, six maybe? I've lost track. At the end of the day it's just kind of damn weird, and says a whole lot about the ex's emotional state, which is not good, than anything else. I always just figured it's maybe a control thing, like they've got to know that they can at least have enough control over you to be able to "reach you" should they want to or think they may need you for something in the future. Or maybe his girlfriend tears into him every eight weeks, so he then has to see if he can get any sort of ego boost from you, no matter how tiny.


You're doing the right thing. Just keep treating him like a spammy telemarketer selling crap you no longer need. And keep blocking those texts and emails and phone numbers. It's not normal and that's why you can't understand it, because it falls out of the norms of human behaviors.


I would stop responding though, because if you had an on-off thing or you took him back every time he left it's going to take him a looooong time, maybe forever, to get the message he no longer has that power. And the best way to handle it all is to refuse to engage, block and delete, and never look back.



OneGirl and Paris,

Yes, anymore emails/texts will be ignored. Surely he will stop eventually.


Paris, your ex is RIDICULOUS. But in a way, it's complimentary to you! Haha.

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You are doing all you possibly can going no contact and blocking him form known accounts. How lame is "what's up?" from an ex?


You must be glad you got rid of this joker, right?

"it's J, how are you?" text

a new number with a "it's J here, what's up?"

an email from a new account, "you told me no texting, so here is an email, what's up?"



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You are doing all you possibly can going no contact and blocking him form known accounts. How lame is "what's up?" from an ex?


You must be glad you got rid of this joker, right?




He's 38 and acts extremely immature for his age outside of work. I honestly think he's just doing it to annoy me. I was pretty upset after the breakup (as always), and he knew it was hard on me. I think he's just trying to be funny? I don't know. I'm over him though and these randomn emails are helping me to see what a clown he really is.

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Why is he contacting you if he has a gf? Thats wrong.

How did things end? And how has it been with NC?


It ended badly. Fine one day, he was telling me he was falling in love with me and I admitted the same thing. The next day (literally) he told me his ex contacted him and he feels they need to be together. They had been broken up for 6 months when he and I began dating, so I thought it was safe. They were together 4 years and he claimed the last 2 years was basically platonic between them, that they lived together purely for the financial benefit but they were not having sex. I initiated NC right away when he "dumped" me.

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Yep, just ignore. That will have far more effect than any response. He's a jerk, but you already know that!


There was a lovely emoticon which someone on here sent me when I was being pestered by someone; as a short, sharp, succinct message it was wonderful - here you are! :splat:

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