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I saw my ex with her new boy


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So I was hanging out with a couple of friends at the mall and suddenly I saw my ex girlfriend walking by hand in hand with her new boyfriend.She said hi politely and they went on their way.Time froze for a moment.I never thought that I would see this but there it was right before my eyes.Over the last month I made great progress in moving on,I actually stopped longing for her and enjoyed life to its fullest.I haven't felt this strange in my life however.A feeling of being completely replaced by someone new,irrelevant,a fool even.This has been bugging my head two days now.The person I once was the other half of now walking by with someone new exactly like I did for 3,5 years.I can't really describe this feeling in words.


Don't get me wrong.This didn't change the fact that I don't want to get back together with her and move on with my life.I still do want to leave this all behind.Actually this seemed like the final nail in the coffin for me and her.However even this doesn't change the fact that I sincerely felt horrible as they went by.Thinking about them sharing all the things we shared felt like a second break up.Funny thing is she probably doesn't even care,none but me seem to care anyways,and I understand she has every right not to do so.


It's just that I feel like an idiot thinking about something that once was and now is only a distant memory.Moving on is not a race but I hate the fact that I am the one left behind.

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It's just that I feel like an idiot thinking about something that once was and now is only a distant memory.Moving on is not a race but I hate the fact that I am the one left behind.


Sorry you're feeling like this... Someday this will be a faint memory. And there will be a time when you'll meet someone new and share your own memories with. It just stinks that you have to feel this way now.


Try not to entertain those thoughts. It'll allow the feelings to dissipate quicker.

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Ouch. Sorry to hear that, it does sting seeing that. It's a setback, but you will regroup and continue forward.


Did you know of this guy? ]


No,not planning to learn about him either


In all honesty it felt like a test the universe put for me.Just after starting to believe that I am moving forward I saw what I was always afraid of seeing

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Sorry you're feeling like this... Someday this will be a faint memory. And there will be a time when you'll meet someone new and share your own memories with. It just stinks that you have to feel this way now.


Try not to entertain those thoughts. It'll allow the feelings to dissipate quicker.


It's just reeeally hard to see the one you spent so many years in a relationship with having someone else in your place.

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I completely understand how you feel and I'm sorry if it effected you in any negative way. I think the same things sometimes...how it's so strange that someone you once shared your entire life with can just go on and start a new life with someone else. Weird concept isn't it? There are still a few of us left who feel you're supposed to be with one person for the rest of your life. I guess this is apart of life...people move on and start new relationships.


If not her, there is someone very special out there for you. Not sure what happened or what lead to the break up, but you seem like a very good guy.

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When I broke up with my ex, I avoided everywhere, I changed all of my usual routes to going places or going different ways to avoid places I knew she would be. In my case I just didnt want to see her, it didnt matter if she was with someone new or not, I just didnt want to see her. To be honest, I felt sorry for the next person she sunk her claws into but i just couldnt bring myself to look at her.


Eventually, I just said to myself if I see her I see her, there is nothing that can be done about it, I would see her and know that it was the right time, I know I would be strong enough within myself to deal with it. And the first time I did see her, I was strong enough. It wasnt easy seeing her but at that point I knew it was time for me to move on, much like it is for you

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I completely understand how you feel and I'm sorry if it effected you in any negative way. I think the same things sometimes...how it's so strange that someone you once shared your entire life with can just go on and start a new life with someone else. Weird concept isn't it? There are still a few of us left who feel you're supposed to be with one person for the rest of your life. I guess this is apart of life...people move on and start new relationships.


If not her, there is someone very special out there for you. Not sure what happened or what lead to the break up, but you seem like a very good guy.


Thank you for your kind words.I guess it can only mean that this person wasn't right for you and you have to keep on searching for that special someone.That doesn't change the fact that I loved her however and that I tried so hard to make this work out.Sadly it didn't turn out this way,the only person you have control over is yourself and no one else

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I can't imagine. Is it because he's new, or do you think that their relationship is all sunshine and rainbows?


I honestly have no clue nor would I want to know.It should not concern me at this point.


At least you have the savvy to recognize it's time to move on to bigger and better things.


I know,what's the other option?Clinging onto something that belongs to the past hoping that one day she realizes her mistake and comes back running? That my friend I believe will only bring more suffering and pain.

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When I broke up with my ex, I avoided everywhere, I changed all of my usual routes to going places or going different ways to avoid places I knew she would be. In my case I just didnt want to see her, it didnt matter if she was with someone new or not, I just didnt want to see her. To be honest, I felt sorry for the next person she sunk her claws into but i just couldnt bring myself to look at her.


Eventually, I just said to myself if I see her I see her, there is nothing that can be done about it, I would see her and know that it was the right time, I know I would be strong enough within myself to deal with it. And the first time I did see her, I was strong enough. It wasnt easy seeing her but at that point I knew it was time for me to move on, much like it is for you


You basically come to the realization that the image of her you had in your mind is only that,an imagination that couldn't be further from the truth.I firmly believe that situations like these are what makes you or breaks you.It hurts picturing what I saw in my mind,it really does.But what's done is done there is nothing I can do to change that only learn from this experience and moving on.At least I know that since this was the first time I experienced this the second time around,with this girl or the next one,wont be as hard

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If I were in your situation, I would feel worse too or even cry....I can't still imagine my ex having someone new...I'd rather not know or see it...U know,.things that u don't know won't hurt u...I wish I wouldn't know!

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