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Paying the ultimate price...

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My boyfriend and i were having intimacy problems.. we haven't seen eachother in a long time, and i felt lonely. I was at trainning and got talking to my sensei about it, and one thing lead to another, and for the first time i didn't use protection, because i (stupid me) assumed he would have told me if he had anything.. i didn't know how bad and ashamed i would feel afterwards, and told my boyfriend the same week. i didn't want to loose him, because i thought he would be a great father, and partner some day, but i was naieve to think we would be able to have a trusting relationship after that. I got dumped, and left with herpes. which i will live with for the rest of my life. I'm looking for people also trying to deal with this virus, and how others manage and cope with it. Thankyou for reading this, feel free to contact me at email removed if you to are interested in sharing stories, ideas and support.

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Does anyone have any advice on this? it would be nice to get some feedback to start with, i'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard when you know your going to live with this for the rest of your life till there's a cure, even some cancers are curable..

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There is loads of information re. herpes and how to manage it on the internet. Have you had herpes confirmed by a medical practitioner? If not you should do so.


Whilst at the moment there is now way to get rid of herpes it is very manageable and should not impact your life substantially if you learn how to manage it. Part of that management includes communicationg with your sexual partners.

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i read alot about it on the net, but it's different to getting a real persons feedback on the subject. I have all the symptoms and i'm booked to see my doc tomorrow. I've never had this kind of reaction before, there doesn't seem to be any other explanation. i have no idea how to start the conversation with my teacher, who i respect, 'oh, by the way did you know you have an std?' meanwhile he has a partner and a 5 month old child of his own. as soon as i noticed the symptoms i stopped having contact, it's just such a sensitive subject

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I have a friend who back in high school who contracted herpes.


There is no cure, but with medication, outbreaks can be managed quite well, and you've probably read that stress/illness can cause outbreaks to come on.


My friend has only had 2-3 outbreaks in the last 5 years, and has even delivered 2 children vaginally, and gotten married to someone other than the person who infected her. They have unprotected sex, and when she has an outbreak, they use condoms. (I don't advise this unless of course your future partner is fully aware of the consequences and agrees to the risks involved.)


Herpes can seem devestating because it is permanant, but it is a disease you can def. live with and manage the symptoms of well, and unless you are having an outbreak you prob won't feel any different physically.


You should make it a priority to tell any poss sexual partners you may have of your disease before you have sex with them, you wouldn't want to put someone in your situation, right?

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