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picture says a thousdnd words??

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it can only give you the words of that moment. that day, the way your relationsihp was at THAT TIME. but i dont think a picture can TRULY show your relationship. but it sure can bring back a flood of memories...and you remember how you would observe every little detail of their face that slowly becomes unfamiliar. o no, now im doing it!! lol...and im actually back with my ex and it still feels like this.

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I only ask, cause I found a bunch of pics of em and my ex that she hasnt seen yet .. Was wondering if maybe after a while logner of NC if i jsut sent her an email with jsut the pics saying" thought You might like to see these" .. if maybe it would brign back some feelings and maybe she'll wanna work thigns out

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A picture may be more than a thousand words, but it never shows the lies and deceptions behind a smile. Look at politicians! They have a damn good way of putting on plastered fake smiles in pictures. In terms of relationships, of course, when we reflect back on those happy moments, we tend to remince all of the good parts of the relationship, and forget the real reasons for the break up.


Sometimes, it's good to keep pictures for memories, but in reality, when the relationship's over, those pictures are pretty much meaningless to me. I can dispose them in the trash and not care. I've done it before, and all I can say is it FEELS GREAT!

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I think

it can be...


depending on the situation. Say yall broke up n weren't in love but one of yall were in love and the one that wasnt and didnt feel much heart break probley would most likely look at it and then continue with whatever he/she is doing or whats going on in their life.


Its a good question tho. when i use to be more stuck on my ex like 2 years a go. I use to look at the pic of him and I. I would just stare at it and then i would begine to cry a little. I use to want to burn it but...but many words can come out from looking at a pic. It brings back memory.


The picture doesn't ever change, just the person in it.

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It might be for the same reason I'm doing the same thing for my ex. She dumped me, but wants to come back. I hate to say it, because it sounds bad, but it's a big ego boost. Strangely I don't feel guilty, after all, she's the one who pulled the plug on our relationship.


What I'm trying to say is don't read too much into it. I know for a time my ex was saving my e-mails too. She told me it was because she was scared of me at the time and wanted some kind of proof in case she needed to file charges against me. Kind of funny since I've gone out of my way to avoid her (she lives 1 1/2 hours away) and I haven't seen her since a week before she broke up with me. I'll admit, I did ask to see her after she broke up so she could at least give me the decency to tell me to my face instead of over the phone, but that was it.


Kind of funny now that the situation is reversed.

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Some people like to hold onto things because they feel that these things are worth saving. If thats how they feel then thats them. For some reason she feels they are important enough to save, I'm sure that people can read something into this but it doesnt have to mean something or it can.

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Pixs can trigger some emotions, definitely. A few years ago, I went out with this girl I had met. We went out for like 2 months, but there were some issues, so we didnt last. But about 2 months later, she sends me a card that said something like, "I wouldnt say I miss you but, I would say I miss your butt!!" and added some pixs of us together and stuff. I hadnt thought about her in awhile before that, so that got me calling her again, and emailing, etc... only to be put in my place by her, saying I just did that to be friends, not to get back with you......



So just be careful, looks (and actions) can be very deceiving.....


Saving emails, could just mean sometimes when we get down, we may like to refer back to something to give us a boost or something..... Try not to read into things so much, it tends to get some of us into trouble..... just have an open attitude about everything...

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Yeah jsut seems weird to em she kept them, becasue I threw out everything. My box of reminders, her clothes she left, all the gifts, pics, emails. OH YEAh .. and she stillwears the wtch and the necklace i gave her too .. is this weird?

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It's not weird that she wears the stuff you gave her nor that she keeps your emails. Still, it doesn't mean she wants to get back together either.


I broke up with a women I dated for several years and still wear the watch she gave me. I also still have the old emails she sent me. I don't want to get back together with her, but sometimes I look back at the emails because I really enjoyed the time we spent together and it's nice to remember it sometimes.

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Yes yes yes yes yes!


I found some picture of my ex recently that I haven`t seen before and words cannot describe how much it affected me.


I have actually put all his pictures and letters etc away in a big brown envelope as they hurt too much to look at. I should probably burn them, but at the moment it`s a little bit early for me to let that part of him go

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