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I have a huge crash !


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Hey people!

Recently i moved into a new country to study so i moved into a new home aswell , where 5 more people have apartments too(4 girls 1 guy). All of them are from my country so we communicate pretty good . Before 1 week , when the last girl moved in , i instantly liked her by the moment i saw her. She was pretty cute and helpless on first sight. We introduced to each other and later that night we went to eat with her and 2 more people. She seemed to like me aswell as she was near me almost all the night and was pretty cute towards me. The next day we went with her and 2 other people in a big shop in order to buy some things for our rooms. I tried to meet her better there so i helped a lot by carrying her staff back to home cause they were to heavy. I guess she appreciated that so later that day we went to eat all together. After the meal she asked me if she could come to my room and she looked really sad so i said her to come. She came to my room and i asked her whats wrong . She started crying about how alone she feels in this new country and how she has none here to take care of her or speak to her and that she believes that some of the other girls here dont sympathize her or are jealous for some reason.As a gentleman i tried to cheer her up and we had a big conservation about life and some other stuff. The next day she came again to my room , we drunk coffe , listened to some music and we decided to go for a walk that night. We went to a restaurant and had a pretty good time and she offered me to sit near her as she was cold and she wanted to touch her head on my chest , so did i.On our way back we were holding each other hands and i felt pretty good about that. The next day she came to my room and i gave her massage as she was feeling bad and the day went on.Then the next day one of the other girls came and told me to be careful with her because she has a boyfriend and i will get hurt. I told my crush what happened and she told me that all these are lies and she has no boyfriend. So we went to eat alone and after the meal on our way back to home i told her that i wanna hold her hand again and so did i. I explained her that i liked her and we remained silent till we went home. Then i went to her room to continue the conservation. She told me that she cant trust someone so fast and that she got hurt in the past so i left for my room to sleep.Later that night i woke up cause i couldnt sleep a lot and i went to my balcony to think. Then i heared noise from her room and i heared a guy trying to kiss her. I went back to my room almost crying and fell asleep. The next day i decided to confront her and ask her what was that. She told me that he is not her boyfriend and that he is a guy that chases her for months and wanted to see her.She told me that she didnt do anything with him because he is not kind but i am not sure if that the truth.So i told her ok i hope atleast we can keep in touch as friends after that incident and she aggreed.Of course i knew inside me that i will never see her as a friend. After that night she didnt come to my room again so i was feeling realy depressed. The day after she told me to go to her room with some other girls from the home and so did i. We stayed there all together for around 2 hours and she seemed to have a more aggresive personality. After everyone left she asked me gently to stay with her because she was hurt and she was feeling alone. So i slept in her room( on couch ) but we were near each other. She was really cute towards me asking me to play with her hand and hair and after a talk with had about random things with felt asleep.Today after i left her room i didnt see her again and i didnt text her either ( she didnt aswell ).

So guys i am really confused. I cant tell if she is telling me truth or not , i dont know if she likes me or not and i cant tell if she is taking advantage of me(she knows i didnt have a gf before).All i know is that despite what happened so far i wanna try again cause i feel like i cant live a minute away from her, but that silence is killing me . I am depressed all day , she is in my mind all the day and i am more aggesive towards everyone cause of that.

Whats your opinion guys and what do you propose me to do ?

Sorry for big thread and thank you for your time

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It sounds like she gets around and has a circle of male attention and that you are one of the guys who attend to her needs. Your other housemates seem to have warned you about this, maybe they know more about her than you do?

one of the other girls came and told me to be careful with her because she has a boyfriend and i will get hurt. Then i heared noise from her room and i heared a guy trying to kiss her. he is not her boyfriend and that he is a guy that chases her for months and wanted to see her.
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Don't pee in the water you need to drink and don't mess about with your roommates because that can turn real awkward and real ugly for you really fast and then you are stuck for the duration of your lease living in hell.


That aside, when someone tells you that they are damaged goods with trust issues, be smart and walk away. If you want to have healthy and happy relationships, seek out those who are in a health and happy place and are actually interested in a relationship with you. If you just want pain and lots of up and down drama, by all means try to "be there" and "be patient" and wait on them.

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It sounds like she gets around and has a circle of male attention and that you are one of the guys who attend to her needs. Your other housemates seem to have warned you about this, maybe they know more about her than you do?


They know her less days than i do and i also dont like some of them.

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She played you. Agree making the moves on a roommate does make walking away more difficult. Maybe you can be friends with benefits in the future. Why don't you ask her?


I dont know i think i still have feelings for her despite i know that she has possibly played with me . I know it is idiotic but thats how i feel atm . And i dont know how to ask her what you propose , its really akward i think.

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