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do emotions make a difference in sex? voice your opinion


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Here's the question: Do you believe that whether or not you care about someone makes a difference in sex?


My opinion: Yes. I talked to my counselor about it, about how I've never orgasmed, and people seeming to think it is because of the fact that I never care about the people I have sex with. She completely disagreed with that, saying orgasms are caused by clitoral stimulation. I finally had sex with someone I really care about, and it was the best yet.


C'mon people what's your story and opinion?



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I totally think that emotions make a difference in sex. I was with my ex for 3 years & I thought the sex was amazing! It was the bext I had ever had. After we broke up, I was still in love with him & still sleeping with him. After no contact for a while, we started talking & I realized that I was finally over him after over a year. We hung out one nite & ended up sleeping together. Well it was the most boring sex of my life up until that point & it also re-enforced the fact that I was over him.

Man, I need to fall in love again so I can have some good sex.... LOL

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I agree with you, EmptySoul.


If sex is just purely sex, oh boy, you will see girls lying on the bed, with their eyes rolling facing the ceilings. haha claiming they are not 'feeling' enough.


I am a funny person, i am those if i dun have feelings with you and have sex with you, i will end up falling for you, if i have sex for too much or too long with you. And if i love someone a lot, i keep feeling too much sex is not that good, seems like sex is no longer a slave of mine to keep him, but his instead.


Enjoy my joke.

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I agree as well. With out love (or at least extreme caring for someone), sex just isn't near as pleasurable. When there is love there is more passion and fire and my senses are more heightened. I personally feel that sex is pointless if you don't care about your partner.

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Sex without emotions is unappealing to most of us. To be physically intimate with another person and not share an emotional intimacy must feel very degrading.


Why give sex without sharing a deeper understanding with one another? It really doesn't make sense.

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I have had enjoyable sex with someone I dont have deep feelings for. the stimulation was enjoyable. but emotions definitely play a huge part in the sex act as a whole. Stimulation can feel good physically but we all want the completeness of the experience which would require emotions as well. But that is not to say that sex itself cannot be pleasurable without the emotions. it can just be MORE pleasureable. Another point I wanted to make was that I have thought about what if my guy had sex with another chick. I would be much more accepting and willing to work through it if the chick were more of a stranger than anything else. it meant he was just horny. But if he slept with an ex, there are emotions there. he had cared for that person deeply at some point and if he had sex with her, it is likely that those emotions are present in such a situation and that takes away fromt he conectedness of our relationship.

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It makes a difference, I think. Sex with someone you love can hurt as well. I remember sleeping with my ex after we had one of our 'we are not really together' talks, and I think I never felt worse in my life. I will never do that again.



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I just noticed that you are only 15, experimenting with sex and already feeling disappointed. The other people that you are having sex with are probably not that experienced in what they are doing, also if you are not in a relationship, then you are not gaining the communication skills necessary to grab a decent person and keep them.


I would place less emphasis on the physical aspects of love and more on the emotional aspects of love. Eventually you and your partners will make things ok for you. You need to really think hard about what you are doing, and what you are getting from the person that you are encountering in the bedroom.


If you don't like what they are doing or you want more emotional affection, then pick a guy that is more like a friend to have sex with.

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