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Questions for girls?


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I came accross a guy who always try to impress me by what he says, compliments me and he always praise himself infront of me trying to make himself attractive.


So I am just wondering does your guy friends like to impress a girl or tries to show off his good qualities infront of a girl all the time if you are just friends? Also, if a guy friend mentions 'both of us' or 'we' in the conversation..what does it makes you think? Also, does a guy likes to get too personal into his life (ie. tells her about his ex-gf and that they slept with each other) if he is just friends with a girl?

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So I am just wondering does your guy friends like to impress a girl or tries to show off his good qualities infront of a girl


It's a 'man thing' hon. Men like to impress and yes they will talk about themselves, their material possessions, show off their 'good' qualities to the ladies, or to the object of their affections. It's as if they are saying, 'Hey, look at me, what a great catch I am and you'd be a fool to turn me down'....!! Men, more often than not, feel that they are only as good as, what they have achieved in life. So if he has a good job, a nice posh motor in the drive and a fat wallet, then he's the 'man'. Men also compete with other men, like to be better than other men and they will try to impress their male friends, in the same way they will impress their women friends.........only to the male friend, previous female conquests will be talked about also.


I had a male friend and all he talked about was himself, his new car, where he'd been and was going on holiday, his work, how much money he earned......ZZzzz. Bored the life out of me I must admit.


If a guy mentions 'we' or 'both of us', then I'd interpret that as being he was in a relationship and in a long one. If the particular guy you are referring to isn't in a relationship and he's referring to you and he, as 'we' and 'both of us'.....hmm, I dunno, maybe he'd like to take things further with the both of you??

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Yes. Some guys like to impress women. I met some like that too.


But I had met those who dun even want to say a single thing about themselves. Either they are not comfortable being with you, or they just feel you are an acquaintance and they do not like to withdraw the distance you have with him.


If he is starting to get personal with you, it is most likely he is interested in you.


For me, i dun bother about it at all, if i have a firm mindset, i only want to be a friend with him only (that means as an acquaintance)


If i am interested, i will pick my ears to listen to his details and see if he is a good catch for me instead.


Usually by far, guys like these are charming, but they dun have the sustenance to last long at least with me

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