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How to approach a guy...


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Well after tonight i decided that i'm going to start approaching guys. I used to have the menality that if a guy liked me he'll approach me. However I'm not getting any results so i'm going to go after what i want. (i hope i'll have the guts to at least)


Guys simply stare at me or make eye contact they don't approach me, so i want to know whats a good way to break the ice? Also once we get to talking, what do we talk about. I meen i know the obvious, "So... what you doing here? whats your name? what grade you in? what you in to?" but i meen thats like what 3 mins of convosation?


Also, i want to make sure that i don't come off aggressive or desperate, will approaching a guy make me seem this way?


Thanx for any help in advance

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In today society it is o.k. for women to ask men out, it is pretty common. And most men i know don't seem to mind, and I actually like it. I met the love of my life that way as a matter of fact, she ask me out......and the rest was history and we wrote it together. Just keep it simple, What's Up, a name, how are things with you......be aggressive but not too aggressive, save that for later........good luck, i'm sure you will make some new friends.....


these are for you





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When you catch a guy staring at you.. say "Hi"...you'll probably freak him out... so don't be surprised if he doesn't come over right away. If that guy doesn't say hello back ... try the next one..the trick is to not stop at one.


Try talking to guys naturally...let the conversation flow on it's own and just have fun.

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