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Adding GIFs to posts


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Just to make sure, right click the image and choose view image, then copy the URL from there. Sometimes right clicking the image and choosing copy link location without isolating the image first will give goofy results.


OK... Thank you. Will have a go tomorrow as I'm now on my way up the wooden hill. Will also be easier with a larger screen and proper keyboard! Thanks for all your help, folks.

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Since it's a url address the Pc doesn't matter. Those steps sound right. Uncheck the default "Retrieve remote file and reference locally". Not sure why these steps aren't working.

Wise... sorry to ask again.... what am I doing wrong with these GIFS and trying to add them?!?! Click on the "Insert Image" Icon. Click on "From URL" and cut and paste the URL? If I uncheck the box it adds the pic but just shows a small cross in a box, if I don't uncheck it says invalid file. Or maybe it's just because my PC is SOOOOOO old! Thanks
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Sigh, let me help being an IT person who works on websites... ENA (too my knowledge) doesn't let you "host" images. You have to use a free image hosting site if you want to insert a image into any of your posts, static images and animated GIF's included. I use this website:



Go on that site (you can use any, but I like postimg.org its simple, fast, no signup), upload the image you want to use. The site will then give you a input with a "direct link" to the image. You copy that link. Come back to ENA and go to your post. You do what snny said above; you have to put the BB code for an image. So for example, this image:



I was able to do that with the following code:





Just replace everything in the image tag with the location/link to your image. Now, not to confuse you all some more. But notice, I was able to post the img bbcode unlike snny because I used the "noparse" tag. If I were to post those without the noparse tag, then it would actually post my image. Anything you place in a noparse tag will not be rendered by vulletin or treated as bbcode rather. Snny used the arrow signs so it wouldn't render as bbcode. Here is a list of BB codes that work in V Bulletin:



So in conclusion, just juse the img tag with the square brackets around it and your link to the image inbetween. I don't think the button actually works correctly on the editor. It wants to add images as an attachment, not embed them into your post. If you want to embed, you have to use the img bbcode.

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Make sure when you copy the image address it starts with and ends in .gif and that when you paste it to into the url space provided, it looks similar to the address below and that you've copied the whole address. Also make sure it's not a video file, etc.


When using the insert image function and the from url option, the file must be jpg, jpeg, png, gif, as noted by the end of the url address of the pic. Also make sure you are not copying a link to a pic rather than the pic address itself.





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