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My school's Jr. Prom is coming up in almost a month. I don't have a date yet, but neither do any of my friends, so I'm not alone. The thing is, I don't know if all of them are even going and if they are, I don't want to be the only one without a date (even though I may not go if I don't have a date.) Keep in mind that practically everyone who goes to the Jr. Prom comes with a date. I would want to go to the Prom with a date I would want to go with.


You're probably thinking "What else is there to this post?"


Well, I just came accross a situation yesterday and I wanted to know the correct way to proceed.


After my practice yesterday, I just got my 300 or so copies of the sports publication I make for the school to start passing around. The publication is a small-medium-sized report on how each team during their season is doing (two per season). I started it last year b/c the regular school paper comes out once every semester! So, back onto the topic. Before I got picked up from school, I passed a few of them out while I was waiting. Surprisingly, everyone there was itching for one (sometimes I have to throw one at them and run lol). One girl, who happens to be pretty attractive, asked me what to do if she wants to write for the publication. I just told her she could contact me in school.


Two points here: 1.) Everytime something like this happens, my brain starts to work right after the encounter. By this I mean if a girl is possibly interested in me, I find the perfect thing to say...seconds after it's too late.

2.) This publication has marked the time I dicover the girl I like doesn't like me back the last four times. By this, the first girl said she didn't want to help write for it when I asked, the second one got mad when I suggested she took one off the desk since her name was in it, I told the third one she dropped something on the floor (it was this publication - it fell out of her bag) and the final girl didn't even want one. So maybe this is a change??


Anyway, what should I say to this girl on Monday regarding helping me write for this publication? The next one will come out in a little over a month and right now, teams just started tryouts so she can't really do anything yet anyway. Also, I don't really see her in school - she's not in any of my classes and I don't know her really well, even though we do know each other.


I just don't want to rush into anything, or miss my chance. The last few times, I've talked to the girl who I liked at the time after an encounter like this, and it never really worked well. In this case, this girl might say "oh, I'm not really interested in writing for this." and she'll assume I just hit on her or something, which isn't really a good thing.


I don't "like" her (or anyone right now for that matter), but she's a girl I would go to Prom with. I have to ask someone pretty soon if I go and it's not like I really know all too many girls to ask to the Prom. My options are open, and I want a date I have to do something.


How do I do this correctly without coming on too strongly or akwarkly as I have in the past with other girls? This could be on getting a date to the Prom with another girl too, but this one has at least a little bit of a chance...hopefully.


EDIT: Something else to keep in mind: I am 0-fer whenever it comes to asking a girl out for date or anything like that (more than 5 girls), so that is probably holding my confidence back a little bit. It seems like I'm in it, then I'm out of it. It's tough to keep coming in with the same confidence.

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Stop thinking of women as a goddess, and act like their one of your friends that you've known all your life. You'll be much more confident and less nervous and fidgety with all the muscle tension going on.


I don't think of them as a "goddess" - it's not like I'm any sort of outcast or anything. The problem is, if I start talking to them out of nowhere in school, I think it makes things look a little obvious, especially if I don't really talk to them that much. It might creep them out a little bit if I go so strongly right away.


(Please stick to the topic at hand as well, the one in the opening post.)

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Just go with this girl as a friend to the prom. It's no big deal. Good luck!


Thanks for the vote of confidence! But,, eh, let me try to paraphrase a thing or two:


-I don't really know this girl. Last year, she was in my gym class so I talked to her a little but this year, I don't see her at all. And it's not like I knew her well before that either, so this makes it tough. If I don't know her well, how would I just go ask her right away (it's a rhetorical question)? I don't think it'll work...


-If I do get this girl to go to the dance with me (or whoever I bring, if I bring anyone), would it be wise to try and develop a possible relationship from there? I mean, it could happen...


I could just ask her if she would like to write for my "sports publication" (just because she said so the other day). If she says yes, I'm on to something. If she says no, then she'll think I "like" her or something (I don't) and that's not good.

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