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Alright, I've tried to move on, and it isn't working.


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So for the past month or so I've been majorly crushing on this girl in my science class. We get along great and she's amazingly beautiful. Problem is, she has a boyfriend. They've been going out for 5 months, and I have no idea how strong the relationship is at this point. I have told several of her and my friends to give me any news of a break up or what could be the rumblings of one as soon as possible.


In the mean time, I've tried to move on. I've started looking out for different girls, but the only other girl I was interested started dating one of my best friend's a couple weeks ago. Ouch. So now every single girl I'm interested in has a boyfriend. I'm serious. Every. Single. One. Anyways, as it doesn't look like there's a place right now to move on to, I've decided to set my focus on making sure that the girl I mentioned in the first paragraph doesn't put me in that horrible friends catagory, that seems to be impossible to climb out of. For those of you that think I should move on, don't worry, I am looking out, I just don't want to ruin any chance of a relationship with her. I don't know when she might break up with her boyfriend.


Anyways, the reason I'm writing this is because I don't really know HOW to avoid being put in that catagory. I've tried limiting the amount of time we talk to be as minimal as possible, but that's still a good bit. She sits right in front of me in one of my classes, so we talk alot there, and whenever we see each other in the hall she always says hi. Anyways, what can I do to keep from that horrible catagory while I wait or look else where?

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Yeah basically what Alabama said and to add on to it; you have to fight for her pretty much. Flirt with her and hang out with her. Don't over hang out with her like more than 2 or 3 times a week but just flirt with her a lot do 1 thing that is nice (not like wimpy nice lol) but do something like "I like you" nice. Hey, it's the only way to put yourself outta there and not in that eternal friends category lol.

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