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I used 3 emergency pills in one week


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I took 3 emergency pills in one week. I had unprotected sex but he pulled out every time so he didn't come inside, but I was still so worried that's why I took the medication.

Also during this week I took around 3 pills of primolut because my period was supposed to come but I wanted to delay it since my boyfriend is leaving for a very long time. (LDR)

I feel so bloated and uncomfortable in my stomach with some cramps.

I know emergency pill shouldn't be taken more than once and I know I was reckless from the start but what's done is done and lesson learned I just had to do something to prevent pregnancy.

What are my chances of getting pregnant?

Is it ok I took primolut and emergency pill almost together (in the same week)?

How would my period be?

I'm so worried please help

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You need to see a doctor, none of us on here will be able to give you advice on what to do. If you can't afford a doctor look for a women's clinic in your area. They will often see you on a sliding scale for income and honestly sometimes they're the best places to go when you need to talk about things like this anyways.


At bare minimum go back to the pharmacy you brought the pills from and speak to the pharmacist about side effects etc. Sometimes they can help too.


After all that you need to examine why you're putting your own health at such risk for this guy, because pregnancy is only one issue out of many that can place you at risk. In fact with unprotected sex I would say it's actually one of your least worries, so please see someone about why you're having unprotected sex. That doesn't sound right to me and I'm worried for you. Is he bullying you into that or forcing you some way? Again, this is where going to the women's clinic might just be one of the best things you do for yourself.


Gather resources to help you. You deserve it, you need to be your own health advocate, you need to talk to someone professionally trained who can help you. And as much as we want to do so none of us on here are medically trained, so go see someone who is.

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Playing with your health this way is not a good idea, both having unprotected sex and using pills to have sex. Get to a clinic/doctor discuss your concerns get a pregnancy and an std test while you are there. In the future stop abusing your body for a bf who rolls in town for sex.

I had unprotected sex but he pulled out every time so he didn't come inside, but I was still so worried that's why I took the medication.I wanted to delay it since my boyfriend is leaving for a very long time. (LDR)
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You are gambling with your health, both by having unprotected sex and by exceeding the recommended dosage of these medications and combining various ones. They're not designed to be taken this way, and you don't have the medical knowledge to be fiddling with them like this.


The symptoms you are experiencing could be signs of an adverse reaction to your incorrect consumption of the drugs.


Please, go to a doctor or clinic. You need medical attention. And I have to ask - if you don't use condoms with your boyfriend, why are you not already on the Pill or some other type of contraceptive? You should very strongly consider getting a regular contraceptive so you don't rely on emergency pills. They're not meant to be popped like aspirin.

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You need to go to the doctor, get checked out from frankly stupid pill use, and see about getting on either the pill, or a permanent form of bc. Each morning after pill is a massive whack of hormones, and so is primulut, of course you feel ill. Now you need to go and get checked by an actual doctor to see if you've done any actual damage.

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This is my first time to have sex with my boyfriend of 3 years. We never did before so I didn't have to use any birth control and what happened wasn't really planned for this time as well. I'm not really experienced with all these kinds of pills I just knew I had to prevent pregnancy from happening so I kind of lost my mind. My hormones are a mess now I can feel it, but I don't know to which level and how this can be fixed. It's hard for me to go to a clinic here for some reasons, and the pharmacist I asked said it's not recommended but it's okay to take the second emergency pill, but I didn't ask her about the third time though.

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This is my first time to have sex with my boyfriend of 3 years. We never did before so I didn't have to use any birth control and what happened wasn't really planned for this time as well. I'm not really experienced with all these kinds of pills I just knew I had to prevent pregnancy from happening so I kind of lost my mind. My hormones are a mess now I can feel it, but I don't know to which level and how this can be fixed. It's hard for me to go to a clinic here for some reasons, and the pharmacist I asked said it's not recommended but it's okay to take the second emergency pill, but I didn't ask her about the third time though.


What are the reasons?


You need to be honest with the pharmacist. If you can't, you're simply not ready to have sex yet, OP. Go back and tell him/her you took a third pill. Your health is not something you want to mess with.


At the risk of sounding like your mother, if you're mature enough to have sex, you're mature enough to see a doctor to get a Rx for a contraceptive or to buy condoms, at the very least.

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it's hard to explain the reason but I'm a new immigrant and my situation isn't stable. I'll try though but it will take some time this is why I was searching for some answers or experiences over the internet.

I knew I was doing something stupid and I don't even blame my bf he never forced me or insisted or anything he is so caring about this issue. We both are mature enough like you said and that was reckless of us. Lesson learned. I just wasn't prepared for any kind of birth control like I said sex wasn't planned for. When I bought that morning after pill I even thought the package has like 30 pills or something just like any regular medication. I know lack of information or experience or whatever you call it. I think I'll just wait a few days for my period because it should come at any moment and go from there.

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Condoms are available everywhere, no planning required. Did he refuse to use condoms? It doesn't matter about your immigration status, you still need to see a doctor about whatever damage you did to your body and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases since your bf refused to use proper protection.


You can not use the internet to test for pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases or whatever damage you have done to your body. You need a doctor. Where are you now and what country are you from? Why are you there are you working/studying? if so you do have access to doctors and clinics. Is your bf from your home country?

I just wasn't prepared for any kind of birth control like I said sex wasn't planned for.
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After the first time it happened and I took the pill we bought condoms but it didn't work for us I don't even know why but we couldn't have sex. We tried many times, I'm not sure if the type of condom makes a difference? Then again we did without it and I took two more. I'm in Europe and new so procedures are so slow. He isn't from my home country but he didn't refuse using condoms like I said we bought one. We haven't been with anyone else so why would there be any sexually trasmitted diseases? I was just looking for any similar experiences until I get the chance to have checkups

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After the first time it happened and I took the pill we bought condoms but it didn't work for us I don't even know why but we couldn't have sex. We tried many times, I'm not sure if the type of condom makes a difference? Then again we did without it and I took two more. I'm in Europe and new so procedures are so slow. He isn't from my home country but he didn't refuse using condoms like I said we bought one. We haven't been with anyone else so why would there be any sexually trasmitted diseases? I was just looking for any similar experiences until I get the chance to have checkups


I'm not sure where in Europe you are, but I am also an expat in Europe. I am not yet eligible for national health care, either. But I have been to a clinic here in my new city for contraceptive pills, and I was able to get an Rx with no problem. I only needed to show my identification (I used my passport from my home country) and fill out a simple form to make an appointment. Of course I paid out-of-pocket, but the cost wasn't that high and certainly lower than what having a baby would cost. I would strongly encourage you to check out local clinics and look into the process for having an appointment with the OBGYN. Many European cities have facilities for recent immigrants, because they recognize it's not easy to find health care.


Think of the alternative if you don't make an effort to go on a contraceptive. Having a baby in your new country is going to be a lot more work than seeing a doctor for a birth control Rx.

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This is my first time to have sex with my boyfriend of 3 years. We never did before so I didn't have to use any birth control .


You are too old to be being so niave about this. If you don't want to get pregnant, you have to get on BC. The pill, the implant, keep a condom in your purse. But what you are doing is stupid. You're going to end up pregant or with your hormones all messed up.


You know you haven't been with anyone. Never trust anyone else's stories about that.


We haven't been with anyone else so why would there be any sexually trasmitted diseases?

Pregnancy is sexually transmitted.

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Yostina. Asking about "similar experiences" here is not the point, is it?


There is absolutely nothing to stop you going to a clinic/hospital regardless of the European country and you will be attended. The vibe I am getting is that perhaps you are afraid to show up anywhere because (and I am only asking) you are illegal. Is that the problem?


Also, if you locate the nearest Red Cross centre or station they will help you regardless of who you are......

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I'm legal but my case is still not finished. I asked someone and they showed me one clinic I can go to so I'll book the closest appointment they give. I just really hope everything will be alright. Thanks everyone for the help.


This is good to hear, that will help you. While you're there also ask for information in general about birth control, STD protection, etc. They should be happy to help with all of that.


In the meantime practice with condoms on a banana or cucumber, yes it helps. Youtube should have videos as well. The type of condom doesn't make a difference, it's more the practice and skill set of learning to do it for both of you.


So practice that, watch videos, talk to your doctor, and gather information. You found this board, so go out and find a few medical websites to gather information. It can only help you. And good luck for the future, it sounds like you're on the right track now.

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Please stop having sex! You are in control here. Stop putting your body through all these pills. Simply cut him off. Sex is not a "right" - rather, it comes with responsibility and consequences. If you are in a loving relationship, he will not hear of you having to put your body through that again and will be okay just going to the movies or the park instead of having sex. If he will not accept not having sex with you until you feel you have the real facts and are responsible enough to take care of your own body - he is not worth it. Wait for someone you are committed to. Dump him.

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it's hard to explain the reason but I'm a new immigrant and my situation isn't stable. I'll try though but it will take some time this is why I was searching for some answers or experiences over the internet.

I knew I was doing something stupid and I don't even blame my bf he never forced me or insisted or anything he is so caring about this issue. We both are mature enough like you said and that was reckless of us. Lesson learned. I just wasn't prepared for any kind of birth control like I said sex wasn't planned for. When I bought that morning after pill I even thought the package has like 30 pills or something just like any regular medication. I know lack of information or experience or whatever you call it. I think I'll just wait a few days for my period because it should come at any moment and go from there.


No, your period might not come right away. Now that you messed up your system with 3 morning after pills, it could take you weeks or months to be regular again and lack of period may not mean that you are pregnant.


If your situation is not stable, all the more reason to not have sex. If you bought the morning after pill - that is Sooo much more expensive than condoms - especially when buying 3. You paid a fortune when deciding not to have sex until you married your boyfriend and were ready for a baby or were more educated about it and could prevent pregnancy, etc, doesn't cost anything.

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