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My ex of 12 months wrote me this email 4 days after he brok eup with me, we broke up because he isnt ready for serious r/ship, he believes that if ur i love that means u get married ( n he often often suffers depresson) n isnt working at mo n is tryin to find work n study and felin down n confused, he also can never exspress hw hes felig so we broke up. i was sad but i truly love him n so i said i uderstood gave him a hug told him i was here if he needed me n we havent spoekn since, except for a txt i sent sayin if he ever just wants to let me know how he is i would love that, but only if he wants to. this was month ago.



im not hoping to get back with him cos it may not happen, but i do wanna know what hes thinking and where hes comin from.

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It sounds to me like he is saying that there is more than a slim chance of you guys getting back together, but that he needs to work out things in his life, and he doesn't want you to be brought down by his problems.


It sounds like he does care a lot about you, but he needs some time to think. I think he is sincere and being honest.


I think you should just leave him be and let him come to you when he's ready.

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Thankyou so much for your reply.


I too know he is being honest, thats what i love about him. I met him after being single for a long time beliving noone was really purely good in heart ( bad past rships) he gave my faith back, he showed me i was wrong, hes the most kind caring honest person i know n thats why i can let him go but i would be awful sad to nto have him m life at all.


You see, i just wish i kne whow he was, he can get very down in depression, i have given him space, n if its what he wnats n needs ild give it to him forver but how do i kow he doesnt need me? how do i knwo he isnt fully depressd? can i send him a light hearted email just sayin hi n seeig how u r?


i want us ot be friends, i wanna kow hes happy

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I can tell you care very much about him.


I don't see the harm in sending him an email just reminding that you're there for him.


Just remember that when someone says they need their space, they mean it. I think you're doing just fine.


Good luck!!

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I agree with owl here! He clearly says he needs the space. It's healthy for someone who is going through a depression, I think. Another thing people can do in his situation is become entirely dependent on the other person for their happiness. So, I in fact think he has made the more healthy decision of taking a break from the relationship.


Of course I cannot tell you whether there will be a future or not. The love is there, but it's not the only thing that is required. Writing a short email that says you are there if he needs you is a good thing to do. After that, I would just leave him alone for a while.


Try to pick up the pieces and avoid waiting for him. That is, don't forget you have your own life as well


You'll be ok. I promise.



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