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Embarrassing things you've done during dates


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So a light post for a change! What are some embarrassing things you've accidentally done or said on a date? I'll start.


1) I was on a first date with a guy I just met and we were at a really fancy sushi restaurant that you had to share a plate of your food with your date. And when the waiter brought it out, it was these really thin flat pieces of fish. So gentlemanly, my date tells me to take the first bite while he watches, and I'm pretty good at chopsticks, but not so great at picking up really small things. So I struggled for like 2 mins while he stared at me and finally I just used my hands to shove it in my mouth. I laughed it off but boy I felt dumb haha.


2) accidentally walked into the men's restroom instead of the woman's in front of my date.


3) spilled way too many things


4) dated some fancy nice guy once who took me to some fancy seafood place. I had never had oysters before then so when the waitress brought it out, I didn't want to seem like I had never had it before. So I tried to use that little fork(so wrong) to scoop up the oyster meat and ended up flicking it all over my date and his white shirt. I was so mortified. Thankfully he was decent about it.


Hahah. Maybe this is why I'm forever single. Anyone else got stories?

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One time, I was at a hip-hop concert with a guy I like, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend. I didn't eat properly during the day, nor did I drink enough water apparently. We had one drink at the beginning of the night, and in the middle of the concert I began to feel dehydrated. This was right at the time that one of the performers decided to crowd surf, so the entire crowd was moving side to side and all around trying to touch the performer, it was chaos and it was super hot in there! I definitely fainted right in the middle of the crowd, lol.


His story goes that once he realized it was me who fainted, he locked eyes with his brother, and his brother began immediately pushing people out of the way and clearing a path while he picked me up and carried me out of the crowd. At this point, he tried propping me up on the seat behind the floor area, this is when the security guards stepped in. The guards carried me outside apparently, and that's when I came to, while they were propping me up on the guard rails. I wasn't drunk, that was pretty evident. So they were very nice to me. I started freaking out asking where my guy was, and then he came into view. He ran down to the drug store to get me Gatorade and crackers, I threw up in the trash can after eating some crackers in front of him. His brother and his girlfriend actually left while I was still unconscious, I felt so bad!


Since I was not drunk, the guards let us back in once I felt better, we stayed in the seating area away from the crowd. I felt terrible, like I ruined his night! So mortified and embarrassed.

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Urg playing name that smell and her saying the smell was me.


Blowing clam chowder out my nose.


Coming back from the toilet with a meter of paper stuck to my shoe.


Her asking is that a thing of lipstick in my pocket or are you happy to see me.


Asking her back to my place to chill and watch netflix. Then she says no this isn't my first rodeo.


Her asking to go back to my place and me pointing to my shopping cart.


Her getting mad at me for clipping my toe nails.


Me telling her how great my goalie is then having to prove it and me shating myself.


Me thinking it would be a nice touch to Brade my nose hairs but it causing me to whistle every time I breath.


A group of people coming over and asking for my autograph once they realize who I am.


I don't have many horror stories. None that I can remember. If anything its a ice breaker. I can laugh about almost anything. I did however have a girl order shrimp cocktail. I found out months later it was absolutely horrable. I would have never known.


BTW the toilet paper thing was true. It happened in college in the dorm. I really liked this girl and she liked me. I was to shy back then though. I was having a conversation I looked down and saw paper on my shoe. I just started laughing.

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I was on a blind date (Internet) at one of my fav restaurants, and my mum, dad, niece and close family friends turned up out of the blue for tea.


The did score cards when my date wasn't looking and then mum and dad came over to introduce themselves! OMG die. When they left my dad threw $50 at us for our drinks.. (trying to act like Mr Big)... I was mortified.


The Guy was good about it, he gave me a kiss on the cheek goodnight and I never spoke to him again, haha - (he does however stalk me on facebook.....)

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I didn't start dating until I was 20, and I was so awkward/had the most awkward beginning dates. One guy, (an older guy), invited me for dinner and movie at his house. It was the 3rd date, and I'd been to his house once before. I was super into him, but we had not made out yet, (and I had never made out with anyone at this point), so I was super nervous. His car was broken, so I decided to bike there. (I had no car, and didn't want my mom driving me, how humiliating). I arrived at his house completely sweaty and flustered. I asked to use the bathroom and wound up walking straight into his bedroom which was nowhere hear the bathroom. He thought it was funny. We watched a movie and then went outside to a field to talk. Rather he talked and I squeezed out monosyllables. This went on for at least 45 minutes. Then it started raining and we walked back to his apartment and made out in the rain. Things were becoming romantic. But then all hell broke loose with the weather and a huge storm started rolling in. He invited me to stay the night, but I felt weird about it. So I called my mom to pick me up. It was humiliating. She drove a really old and awkward looking mini-van that had no muffler. We were on the porch kissing. Not a soul was around and it was very romantic until I heard my mom's muffler-free van rounding the corner two blocks away. I said goodbye and got in, and didn't hear from him again

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HAHA YOU REMINDED ME OF SOMETHING I DID I was in a date with this guy I'm in love with. The waitress gave me the bottle of water I ordered. I tried opening it but I couldn't haha. So my date told me "Do you want me to try and open it?" And I immediately looked at my shirt to check if the buttons were properly on. Because me and my date had sex before that diner, so I was afraid my shirt had something wrong in it. You can see how dirty-minded I was lol. Lmao and his face was like "what" HAHA omg. I will never forget that moment. (Sorry If I wrote something wrong, I speak Spanish )

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One time I had a bf sleeping over, and I took a shower before-hand. I was on my period and my trash can was really full, so rather than wrapping my pad up in toilet paper, I left it stuck on my underwear as I stepped out of them, intending to dispose of it and the trash after my shower and before my bf came over. Well I FORGOT and left them in there and my bf totally found my underwear, with the pad stuck on it still, and I was so mortified that I couldn't even stutter out an excuse. It was so awkward for us both.

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