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Harmonica, Guitar, or Violin? (Hobby)


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I am deciding on a hobby. I need one as to not focus on not having someone. I have found in the past that if I focus on something else (like reading, etc.) that it can help me appear more attractive (as I am myself and not clingy or desperate). I really want to learn Violin but it is rather expensive, but I am thinking of saving money. Guitar is the next choice and I have a Harmonica. Trying to mulitple instruments is rather time consuming (also currently studying for a test). What do people suggest? Is Violin really hard? Any suggestions would be nice.

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Well most take up an instrument to pick up woman. I didnt know this when I was 7. I picked the trombone and played it for 11 years didn't help me once. So harmonica will only help you in jail. Guitar is always a good choice. Alot more lessons out there too. Violin they have electric violins. In seriousness get what you are interested in its your choice whatever makes u happy

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I started playing the guitar at age 11 (I'm 47). I developed my ear, learned my theory, played in rock bands (got the chicks. Lol), taught lessons, played jazz in college and then a few other styles in different bands over the years. A lot of great experiences with many different people.


I'd recommend the guitar as its a really versatile instrument and you'll always be learning (I still am). 😎

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I disagree taking up a hobby playing a musical insturament like guitar violin or maybe piano..you will find yourself trying to play songs that remind you of the person who broke your heart or the person you want back in your life..yeah its a good thing learning to take your mind off that person maybe you will play other songs that dont remind you thats just my opinion..

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Guitar, violin is extremely hard and really has to be a labor of love to get good at. (I had a friend who played violin professionally in orchestras for years.)


Harmonica, nah.


Guitar is wonderful, fairly easy to learn, and I can confirm, it's a total chick magnet. To this day if you put me into any bar or honky tonk or anywhere if someone whips out a guitar I am their new best friend. And I'm shy and married and not flirty at all, but come on man he/she has a guitar and can play it! How cool is that. (Full disclosure: I have NO musical talents and can't play it all, I've tried.)


Take up guitar, you won't regret it.

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Guitar, violin is extremely hard and really has to be a labor of love to get good at. (I had a friend who played violin professionally in orchestras for years.)


Harmonica, nah.


Guitar is wonderful, fairly easy to learn, and I can confirm, it's a total chick magnet. To this day if you put me into any bar or honky tonk or anywhere if someone whips out a guitar I am their new best friend. And I'm shy and married and not flirty at all, but come on man he/she has a guitar and can play it! How cool is that. (Full disclosure: I have NO musical talents and can't play it all, I've tried.)


Take up guitar, you won't regret it.


Really, harmonica, nah? Ever hear/see a really fun blues harp show? Kinda hot, I think.

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I play Guitar, Piano and Hermonica and absolute love it. Do it my Freind. It is a very pleasing feeling when playing. My advice is guitar because it's much easier than piano. I tinkered with the violin and it's not for me. Guitar you just start learning the chords and strum it. It's very easy to learn but you have to stay at it everyday. Google chords and lyrics like some easy songs like the Eagles band. Songs like Take it easy. Just keep playing. It only takes about a year to get good. Ive played solo in bars and party's for years. I play and sing and have a harmonica strap to play harmonica leads while I play the guitar or piano. I play good songs like Neil Young Heart of Gold or Billy Joel The piano man. My all time favorite is Paul McCartney from the Beatles. Just keep practice everyday and trust me you will love it. Good luck my freind

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One more thing. I can read music very slowly and most of the time I don't read it. Sometimes I look at the key of music and can go from there. I can pretty much listen to any song and it takes me maybe an hour to play it by ear. I've traveled down the highway and heard songs and went home and learned it by ear. Just tinker with the guitar for now and don't consentrate on learning to read music yet. Paul McCartney did not learn to read music until his later years. While he was a Beatle he played by ear and he's worth 2 billion dollars

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Ok, I'm a mom with grown kids. I started learning acoustic guitar at a local music school 11 yrs ago. My teacher became a good friend, which is an added bonus. I found it hard, really hard. Kids seem to be able to pick it up a lot faster. Anyway, I persevered and got to be a decent rhythm player, I never did get the hang of playing lead. Then I got an electric guitar and learned more. I played anywhere anyone would listen to me, and performed in all music school gigs. It remained hard work for me.


Then I got into bass, I am quite a decent bass player and was in a band at the music school, we played blues and classic rock and I loved it! I moved far away last spring so I had to leave the band and I really miss it. I want to start a band where I live now.


So yeah, go for guitar and take lessons too, you will learn the proper way to play. I can't read music but dont need to, I know the chords and can figure out the patterns.

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Harmonica all the way. I love a man who is good with his tongue and mouth (if you get my drift). Guitar players are a dime a dozen. BORING! My sister played violin, a very, very, difficult instrument to learn. I play flute, clarinet, organ, and piano. A man who plays the piano is good with his hands and fingers. Guitar players' fingers are always rough and calloused, no fun. So,piano would be easiest and best, but of the three you listed, go for harmonica if you want to make the ladies hot.

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I would always say piano because I love mine - but it's hard to pull the girls with a piano over your shoulder so go for a guitar. Versatile, romantic, easy (unless you've got panda hands like me) and there are always folks looking for new band members to play at gigs where there are ggggiiiirrrrrllllsssss!!! Good luck X

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  • 4 weeks later...
Really, harmonica, nah? Ever hear/see a really fun blues harp show? Kinda hot, I think.


Harmonica is just not my thing. I've seen those shows, I love the skill some people have, but it's not what will draw me in to sit with someone and/or want to participate by way of singing or talking or asking about the music. Guitar does that and piano? (swoons) Something about them seems more accessible to me, but that is just one person's preferences.


Violin if it's done right or the harp, always, always, always. It's just I know what it takes to learn those and it isn't easy. I did once end up dating a guy for two months strictly and only based on the fact he busking with a harp one day in the subway. If he'd kept playing that harp AND hadn't moved to Europe well, maybe I'd have married that one once upon a time.


But whatever music you make, whatever art you take up, let it find a place in your soul where it just grows with you and you do your best to feed it every single day.

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