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Does he secretly hate women or think he's better?


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What do you think about guys that say negative stuff about women based on how they dress or what type of pictures they post on social media? One of my close male friends is always saying stuff about women like that. He thinks that if a women is dressed half naked that they must have low self esteem and that 'something must have happened' to them to be putting their bodies on display like that. He says that those type of women are disgusting and that they don't respect them selves. I know everyone has different opinions and that's fine, but it just makes me wonder if that means he secretly hates women? I've asked him and he said he doesnt.


He's into photography, and he sent me a screenshot of a model that he contacted on Instagram to see if she would be interested in setting up a photoshoot with him. He also sent me some pictures she had up on her page (she was wearing boy shorts, bikini and short dresses ect) in different poses and he said 'these are the type of women I'm afraid of'. I asked him why and he said ' I don't know, I just am'. He then said that she's using her prettiness for bad. Maybe I'm looking into it too deeply, but it kinda makes me uncomfortable in a way because it makes me feel like he secretly thinks he's better.


Have you encountered this with anyone or know anyone who has? I'm not trying to offend anyone or start an argument, I just really am. curious about people that think this way.

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He has his own opinions everyone does. Why he has them who knows. It could be from personal experience or parents or media. Is there always exceptions to rules of course there are. Sounds like he has a bad opinion of woman who use there looks for $$$. That's his opinion he's working with these people that's his choice too.

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And your friends with this clown exactly why?


Anyone who is a hate mongerer of any kind, who talks down about others, just needs to see you walking out the door far, far away from them.


Why does he do it? Because he's got serious emotional and/or mental issues that's why. Trying to figure anything else out is kind of useless.

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And your friends with this clown exactly why?


Anyone who is a hate mongerer of any kind, who talks down about others, just needs to see you walking out the door far, far away from them.


Why does he do it? Because he's got serious emotional and/or mental issues that's why. Trying to figure anything else out is kind of useless.


I can only second this post.

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Well what I find ironic here is that he says he's "afraid of those types of women" and really judgemental of them and always criticises them, but yet he was the one contacting that model in a bikini to do a photoshoot with him. I have to say that he does sound very insecure and maybe also angry that he can't "get" those types of women? He does also sound like a misogynist. Just because those women are wearing bikinis or tiny shorts or whatever doesn't mean they're this or that, he doesn't know them and who they really are. Also in our society for a long time we've viewed male and female half nudity very differently. I've seen many guys on social media put up shirtless photos or them working out in the gym in shorts and shirtless. It's kind of the same when women put up bikini photos except the women are seen as "cheap" and "ty". Your friend is obviously one of those people who thinks that about women and what makes it worse is that he always tries to make a point of it.

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He has his own opinions everyone does. Why he has them who knows. It could be from personal experience or parents or media. Is there always exceptions to rules of course there are. Sounds like he has a bad opinion of woman who use there looks for $$$. That's his opinion he's working with these people that's his choice too.


Well to be honest, any models, male or female, do use their looks for money, if we were to put it crudely. Most models are very attractive and that's exactly why they got into the industry. They get paid to be photographed displaying or catwalking clothes or lingerie, or sometimes even just showing themselves off or being in various video clips or movies. So in a nutshell they do get paid for their looks but I think people who would have a problem with that are judgemental and/or jealous.

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Maybe I'm looking into it too deeply, but it kinda makes me uncomfortable in a way because it makes me feel like he secretly thinks he's better.


More importantly, why are you choosing to be an audience to someone who makes you feel "uncomfortable?" You have no control over what he secretly thinks, yet you do have control over your own reactions when encountering this issue.

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I can only second this post.


That totally sounds like my ex. At first I just brushed it off as a "at times harsh and biting sense of humor" but as time passed it became obvious he was a total misogynist with a ton of deep rage and hate. It was ugly, and if a dude ever started showing those red flags to me again I would run like heck away from him. This is a projection from him, his issues, his darkness... And although he may not be like, a narcissist or a covert sociopath, it is still a baaaaaad sign and I'd at the very least consider it a huge red flag

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Some people are sex-positive. Some people are sex-negative. I've noticed that most men who have a problem with women are sex-negative...which has never made sense to me. If you're complaining about how hard it is to get sex, you should be thrilled that women are wearing less, acting wilder, and so on, because it only makes it easier to get laid.


I've often been accused of being a misogynist (on here, anyway, never offline), but I am extremely sex-positive, strictly because of self-interest. And because it's more fun...

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He sounds more like a hypocrite than a misogynist

He's into photography, and he sent me a screenshot of a model that he contacted on Instagram to see if she would be interested in setting up a photoshoot with him. He also sent me some pictures she had up on her page (she was wearing boy shorts, bikini and short dresses ect) in different poses and he said 'these are the type of women I'm afraid of'.
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  • 1 month later...

He is a misogynist whether he is aware of it or not. (the most boring type constantly obsessed with the female body, bodies that have no relevance to him actually.) This also makes him very patriarchal. I'm someone who uses the term misogynist rather carefully and don't like throwing it as an insult to men whose behaviour I don't enjoy. But this guy is one. And his so called respect for "worthy" undisgusting??? women is just the other side of the coin, that is his hate so that also stems from very wrong reasons.

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