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Therapy appointment - I have anxiety


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So I went to my second therapy appointment today and my therapist (who I LOVE by the way) has told me I have anxiety. She was asking me some questions to get to know me better, and when she asked me if i had any fears, and I started naming a few things. One of my fears, which I thought was normal, was to be concerned about my kid and my dad (both of who I am very close to). But the level of worry and the way I jump to the worst case scenario isn't normal I guess. I told her that I'm always concerned about my child(5 years old) riding the bus home in the afternoon because I'm always worried someone will Poke her eye out with a pencil or scissors or something bad like that. I'm just very worried something will happen to her. I also get very worried about my dad when he doesn't answer the phone at night (we work together and I have to wake him up) and when he doesn't answer after I've called like 5 times , I begin to think he might be hurt or dead or something extreme like that. I know those are extreme ways to think, but I just immediately jump to those conclusions because I love them so much . I don't know what I would do if something happened to them. We're going to discuss ways to help me with those issues at my next appointment, and I REALLYYYYY hope I can over come it or even learn how to think a little differently with that . I basically just wanted to share that with anyone that might be going through the same thing and too afraid to seek help and also to help me keep track of what is going on and my progress with it.


I feel a little better already because I know a little more about why I feel the way I do. I never even considered that I might have some form of anxiety, so it definitely is helping me to understand more about myself. Thanks for anyone this reads this! 😃

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Cognitive behavioural therapy really helps with anxiety. I am sure you will do absolutely great with the therapist. I suffer from an anxiety disorder as well.

That's what's she said she was going to be using, cognitive behavioral therapy. I hope so and thank you ! It would be great to not be so affected by this stuff daily. Has therapy you with your anxiety?

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People who love fiercely often feel excessively vulnerable to the loss of a loved one. I had similar anxieties when I was first married and had a young daughter. Learning to love without also feeling the paralyzing fear of loss will help you immensely.

Yes! That's the way I want to love. My mom left us when my brother and I were kids (I was the teen). I'm sure that has a lot to do with the way I feel about my dad and my daughter. How did you over come your fears?

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That's what's she said she was going to be using, cognitive behavioral therapy. I hope so and thank you ! It would be great to not be so affected by this stuff daily. Has therapy you with your anxiety?


Absolutely. I had a lot of trauma in childhood which is the source of my issues but I have done a lot better .

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Yes! That's the way I want to love. My mom left us when my brother and I were kids (I was the teen). I'm sure that has a lot to do with the way I feel about my dad and my daughter. How did you over come your fears?


I did it by learning to confront fear in every form. I was afraid of public speaking, so I joined a public speaking club and got quite good at it. I learned to play piano as an adult but was afraid to perform in front of others, so I forced myself to play in public every chance I got. (It took me 8 years to conquer that one.) I was afraid of failing at business, so I started a business. I was afraid to share my creative work, so I made an album of music and wrote a book. Now when fear shows up I don't run from it -- I run towards it.


Fear is like a bully: if you confront it head on, you'll often find there's very little substance to it. I still feel my fear, but I don't let it control me.

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