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Facebook friends who rarely/never, like/comment your posts?


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What do you guys think about Facebook friends who rarely or never like anything that you post? I’ve had friends on my Facebook page for years, and I notice that it’s always the same 3-6 people who like my posts. I have hit 'like' on probably all of my friends’ posts at one time or another. Not every single post, but if I see something I like, I hit like. We post, and like similar content as well, so it’s not like we have completely different tastes. Often, the friends who don’t like my stuff, will share the exact same thing I shared right from my page, and not once will they leave a comment or like it. On newsfeed you can sometimes see posts that people like, so I’m able to see that they are very active on Facebook, because they’ll like many people’s posts or leave comments.


I don’t want to sound immature, but I’m starting to take it personal. I don’t mind at all when people share something directly from my page, but what bothers me is that they will never hit like on it, or comment. The few things that I can think of that we don’t have in common are that most of my friends have children, and I don’t because I’m focusing on finishing school. Most of them didn’t continue their education after high school because they had children, or they dropped out of college temporarily, so that’s another thing that we don’t share. Also, I live with my mom because it’s cheaper for me since most of my focus is on school, and not work full-time. The majority of my Facebook friends moved out of their parents’ homes since very young, once they had children. The ages of most of my Facebook friends are from 20-30, and I’m in my late twenties. Most of them being around my age cause we practically grew up together from grade school until high school years.


I've thought about deleting the friends who never like anything that I share, but that's almost all of them lol. What do you guys think about this? Feel free to share your experiences, thoughts, suggestions, etc.

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I understand what you're saying..I really do. But for most people on Facebook, they do tend to only really pay attention or like their close friends posts.

I used to take it personally, but now a days...meh. We are on each others pages to stay in contact and by updates and so on, we do.

To be honest, I don't give Facebook a whole lot of time much anymore. It's run it's course and I don't take much notice of what anyone posts anymore.

It's not that I don't care about them, but social media has just become complacent for me. This might be the same for a few of the friends not liking your things.

Either way, don't take too much stock into it.

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When FB starts to affect you that way......probably time to step away from it and focus on real life and hanging out with people and making new friends while you are at it. You may have known these people for a long time, but your lives have diverged significantly and that usually causes the friendships to grow apart too. Time to find new friends that are more on the level and on the same page as yourself.

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I am like this and so are some of my friends. I just like reading my friend's posts and see what's going on (I know, snoopy). As somebody who works with the public, my activity on a social media account - posts or even likes - can easily be tracked. The friends I know who rarely post/like also have high clearance government jobs. We have to be very careful what we do.

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I don't always like my friends posts because sometimes I just don't like it ...lol. I post pics of myself or my dog that real life friends don't comment on or like. I think FB creates jealousy and unnecessary drama for people. A pic is just a pic. Period. Yet some people wayyyyy over think it.


Sometimes it's good to just take a break from social media and enjoy real life,

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People are haters so if u post happy things or pretty pics, they simply dont want to support it. Its a jealosy thing. Happens to me so I rarely even post anymore. Its annoying!


or they don't care.....



people take likes and comments way tooo serious...

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I don't give any thought to it at all. What other people do on Facebook is up to them ... but then I'm not a big Facebook user and refuse to let it take up too much of my time. The way I see it, people use Facebook in different ways for different reasons. Some people have it but don't really care for it. Some people live their life by it. Some simply use it as a way of getting and staying in touch with old and new friends whereas some use it to seek attention and love to post about every little sneeze or cough they make. Bottom line is not everyone uses it for the same reasons as you so therefore won't do the same as you. Maybe these particular friends fall into the "attention" category and want to be credited with making the initial Facebook posting, even if it came from you first. I'd delete them if it bothers you.

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People are haters so if u post happy things or pretty pics, they simply dont want to support it. Its a jealosy thing. Happens to me so I rarely even post anymore. Its annoying!


Urgh, sounds like teenage drama!


or they don't care.....


people take likes and comments way tooo serious...


Absolutely agree.

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If Facebook is getting you this upset, then you need a break from it for awhile.


Think about what a "like" is. It's a click of the mouse that takes less than a second to do. In other words, it's meaningless. It's also the shallowest way to be friends with someone --- hey, I haven't talked to this person in 3 years but I liked her status recently, so we're still friends, right? Right??


Do you see how this is a very poor measurement of friendship?

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Couldn't care less. I was active on FB for about a year. Got tired of the... What should I call it? Blah, blah, blah stuff. Tons of "Do you like this..." "Click 'Like' if you like or agree on something. I still have my account (at my daughters request), but I haven't even logged in for around three years now.


I see your point. Although I find FB rather boring.

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I almost never 'like' any of my friends' posts, for a myriad of reasons that have nothing to do with me not liking them as friends. Nor do I expect (or want) likes for anything I post, I just don't care about FB to the point where I'd take anything on there personal.

I doubt it's something personal, but if you find it's making you sad and depressed, maybe you should distance yourself a bit from FB.

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For all you know, facebook's algorhythm has decided against putting you in their newsfeeds so, even though they are on a lot, they never see your posts.


Agree with the others also, if it's bumming you out, take a step back. Go visit someone in meatspace

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the friends ...will share the exact same thing I shared right from my page


Sharing and Liking usually don't go hand in hand. Sharing is the highest form of flattery.


And with your posts - are you usually negative or posting pictures of things? What are you sharing? Some people may not care for your posts.

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I only comment on facebook after coming home from a night out and going down my newsfeed just ziging everyone with one-liners. Until recently, I also never "liked" anyone's status. Now that they've added the new laughing face "like" button, I use that whenever I see a FB friend post an emo status. It's great.


If I sound like the facebook friend you've been looking for, hit me up. I promise to comment. I can't guarantee a state of sobriety while doing so, though.

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What do you guys think about Facebook friends who rarely or never like anything that you post? I’ve had friends on my Facebook page for years, and I notice that it’s always the same 3-6 people who like my posts. I have hit 'like' on probably all of my friends’ posts at one time or another. Not every single post, but if I see something I like, I hit like. We post, and like similar content as well, so it’s not like we have completely different tastes. Often, the friends who don’t like my stuff, will share the exact same thing I shared right from my page, and not once will they leave a comment or like it. On newsfeed you can sometimes see posts that people like, so I’m able to see that they are very active on Facebook, because they’ll like many people’s posts or leave comments.


I don’t want to sound immature, but I’m starting to take it personal. I don’t mind at all when people share something directly from my page, but what bothers me is that they will never hit like on it, or comment. The few things that I can think of that we don’t have in common are that most of my friends have children, and I don’t because I’m focusing on finishing school. Most of them didn’t continue their education after high school because they had children, or they dropped out of college temporarily, so that’s another thing that we don’t share. Also, I live with my mom because it’s cheaper for me since most of my focus is on school, and not work full-time. The majority of my Facebook friends moved out of their parents’ homes since very young, once they had children. The ages of most of my Facebook friends are from 20-30, and I’m in my late twenties. Most of them being around my age cause we practically grew up together from grade school until high school years.


I've thought about deleting the friends who never like anything that I share, but that's almost all of them lol. What do you guys think about this? Feel free to share your experiences, thoughts, suggestions, etc.


You are sounding a little immature. Sorry. Facebook is not the end all, be all of life. If your life is revolving around how many "likes" or comments you get, then you need to seek some counseling. How many of these friends do you see in person on a regular basis? Are these close friends or acquaintances that you met and friended on Facebook?


If I found out one of my friends was talking like you are I would probably delete them. I do not like or comment on every single thing I see posted. People don't comment and like every single thing I post. I don't care. I post things that I find interesting. I don't care if other people find it interesting it's my page and I'm sharing things I like.


For someone in their late 20s you sound like you have a lot of growing up to do.

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People are haters so if u post happy things or pretty pics, they simply dont want to support it. Its a jealosy thing. Happens to me so I rarely even post anymore. Its annoying!


Or it's because someone just doesn't like her posts or they just don't care about the posts. Or their lives don't revolve around Facebook.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Facebook isn't for everyone. I have plenty of close friends on facebook and I don't always like their posts. It's never intentional or personal, it just happens. Unless it's something like a huge event (someone got accepted to college, someone is engaged, someone's family member died...etc) I don't normally pay attention. It's not symbolic about how I feel about them as a person. People post so many petty daily trivialities on facebook that I don't really pay them much mind. I also don't pay much attention to who likes my pictures on facebook. If it's more than 5 the post will say "and 5 others" and I don't really pay attention to who the others are.

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I don't recommend deleting them. Also, facebook sorts your feed in a way. If you visit someone's page a lot their posts tend to be higher up on your feed. You're probably getting a lot of their posts because you've previously liked them. Since they're not liking your posts, you might be further down on the feed.


Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm 18 and basically a social media addict. People my age don't really take facebook likes too seriously. I have 500 facebook friends and only about 30 I can spot in a crowd, meaning majority of my feed is people I don't know personally.

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