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Am i overprotective or is he a ?

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I'm in a long distance relationship and i hate it, i love him, but hate being so far away.

He works all day and only have time to talk to me/skype with me at night.

But tonight he went out to a party, even though i said i didn't want him to. He left, he called me and said "i'm at a party, i want to live my life, and if you can't handle me doing what i want then we're over. I'm hanging up and shuting of my phone, I'm probably home around 2 but I can't promise anything. I love you". Then he hang up on me even tho i cried as , and when I tried to call back he didn't answer because he acutaly shut it off.


I don't want to be controlling, but i want him to talk to me before doing things like that, and i want to be able to talk to him, but he shut his phone off. He can't even promise me when he'll be home. I love him but i hate this, i need him to take my feelings into decisons as well..


Am i overeacting or do you agree with me being sad?

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Have you ever met? How often do you see each other in person? It sounds like LDRs are hard for both of you and he doesn't want to be tethered to devices.

I'm in a long distance relationship and i hate it. "i'm at a party, i want to live my life, and if you can't handle me doing what i want then we're over. I'm hanging up and shuting of my phone",
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The thing is, while I totally get your concerns, you can't force him not to live his life.


Maybe being in an LDR isn't for you - and that's OK. They're extremely difficult to impossible and they add so many additional layers of obstacles on top of relationships that it's no wonder most end up failing.


But you have a decision to make - either accept that he has his own life where he lives, or break up with him.

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Yes, you are being incredibly controlling, completely out of line, and the crying thing puts you straight into cray cray territory.

He is right to go out and live his life and he is definitely right to tell you straight up that if you don't knock it off with the cray cray behavior he is done with you.

Frankly, you owe him an apology next time you two talk.

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I'm don't like long distance but we lived together before, he's gona for a year because of work but will be back in about 3 months. I just wished he could've tried to make me feel better instead og hanging up..

I want him to go out and have fun and so do I, but I'm feeling really depressed today and want him to be there for me.. If he just had said "i love you, we'll talk when I'm home" it would all be fine. But he was like "i can't promice when I'm home and when I get home I'm going to bed."

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See what happens maybe he'll be more open to taking when he's not rushing out to a party.

I'm don't like long distance but we lived together before, he's gona for a year because of work but will be back in about 3 months. If he just had said "i love you, we'll talk when I'm home" it would all be fine.
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I'm don't like long distance but we lived together before, he's gona for a year because of work but will be back in about 3 months. I just wished he could've tried to make me feel better instead og hanging up..

I want him to go out and have fun and so do I, but I'm feeling really depressed today and want him to be there for me.. If he just had said "i love you, we'll talk when I'm home" it would all be fine. But he was like "i can't promice when I'm home and when I get home I'm going to bed."

But tonight he went out to a party, even though i said i didn't want him to.

But he said that after you already told him you didn't want him to go. You can't expect the perfect response to suite your need from someone who was told what they could or could not do.

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Thank you all for being honest with me. I realice I overreacted. I just called his friend (who's at the party) to talk to my bf. I told him i realised i overreacted and that I'm sorry. I also told him to live his life and have fun, and that we can talk together tomorrow instead. He said thank you for calling and apolagising and we're both feeling better. Thank you for your help.

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Ok i'm sorry.. I was asking for help and you are all really mean..


We are giving you valid advice. Maybe, you should expand your own life, then you won't be so dependent on him. It is not attractive to be so needy, and a great way to push your bf away.

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Thank you all for being honest with me. I realice I overreacted. I just called his friend (who's at the party) to talk to my bf. I told him i realised i overreacted and that I'm sorry. I also told him to live his life and have fun, and that we can talk together tomorrow instead. He said thank you for calling and apolagising and we're both feeling better. Thank you for your help.


.....ouf.....that was bad and I know you are upset but that's the thing....you've got to learn to control these kinds of impulses somehow. I sincerely hope that your bf was genuine and forgave you and you two are good going forward. However, contacting his friend to reach your bf was really really wrong. You've put him in a position where he was embarrassed in front of his friend and had to explain himself and the situation with you. You never want to put your partner in that situation. It really could have waited until tomorrow.


The thing is that it's not his job to make you feel better when you are down. That's your job. He shouldn't have to ruin his evening plans and fun over you, unless it's something critical like your mother just died. Outside of major life things, if you want to have a pity party, that's what your girl friends are for. If you don't have any, time to roll up your sleeves and work on that. It really sounds like you put a lot of emotional pressure on your bf and that's not fair to him and not good for your relationship overall. You've got to work on having a more independent life - friends, hobbies, etc. You have to have people and a support system for yourself outside of your bf and your relationship. Otherwise you will end up suffocating your relationships.

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I understand you wanted to reach him, I get it, you didn't want things unresolved before bed.


I do agree with everybody else however. You never want to get his friend to be the middle man. It's kind of like when somebody gets their family to fight their battles.


The issue should be resolved only between you and him.


It puts his friend in an awkward position and will most likely make your boyfriend angrier with you.


I'm in a long distance relationship and it's hard I know. You just have to trust your partner distance or no distance. Don't set limits to what they can and can't do. You wouldn't like it if the tables were turned and he did this to you.


Just think about it some more and when you talk tomorrow apologize for contacting his friend in order to talk to him.



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