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Well they are officially together now

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I am struggling with the same things you guys are, except I have literally gotten no bread crumbs and Im assuming (Since I have had no contact since April) that they are still together. Its hard to think that these people can move on that fast..and I want to believe relationships starting this way are doomed to fail, but that remains to be seen. Lets hope that we grow and evolve from these experiences instead of taking the easy way out and jumping into a relationship in order to escape our demons. I want to be ok with what has happened, but I still think about him everyday, miss him everyday, and cant wrap my head around the pain he has caused me and how I ment so little to him that he could literally replace me over night and not look back. Who knows whats going through there heads and thats something we all have to accept. As much as I hate to say it, I do hope that there relationship eventually crumbles, so that i can at least get the satisfaction that you dont find your "soulmate" at the bar while still involved with your live in girlfriend that you bought a house with 4 days later. It still destroys me thinking he gets to go on his wonderful way and be happy while I try to move on. Blah blah I could go in circles. In my opinion a rocky foundation is never good, but he may stay even if it isnt good like one of your exes to justify what they have done. Lets hope we can all heal from this..I so desperately want to.

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Why is it important to you whether or not your ex and his girlfriend are happy? I'm just curious.


I personally don't care if my ex is happy or not. I don't wish for him to be UNhappy, but his happiness has zero effect on my life.


All I know for sure is I am WAY happier without having to deal with him. And that's what's important to me.


Hmmm... I think that is my own insecurity. I have always been special to her. Maybe I feel really upset that another woman is taking my place... I don't know... But it feels terrible to me to think that she is loving another woman and being intimate with her in the way that we were. This is the first person that she has been intimate with since me, so it's an adjustment for me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh...it's trip time for me. I've been having a lot of good days lately (having fun, enjoying myself, going out and working out) but I've had this feeling of dread in my stomach the past two days. I think its because my trip is tomorrow and I feel pathetic about having to go be in the same city. I have some cool things lined up for the trip but still don't really feel like going.

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Some people are like monkeys swinging from a tree - they don't let go of one branch until they are holding onto the next. Blah.


hahaha so true. My BF well technically ex BF is trying his best to get a girl. Messaging random girls and all (his mom told me ) but he still never broke up with me. He said give it time and don't go too far I might figure out what I want hahaha what a joke

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE: So he's requested to add me back on all social media today (facebook request, instagram add), about two months after we broke up...We've been strict NC since we broke up on my call.


I'm pretty good in that I've been actively trying to move on (casually dating and going out with my friends, forgetting a future with him), but I don't know whether I should accept...As far as I know, he's still with the new girl so I don't know what the point is...Should I ignore it?

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UPDATE: So he's requested to add me back on all social media today (facebook request, instagram add), about two months after we broke up...We've been strict NC since we broke up on my call.


I'm pretty good in that I've been actively trying to move on (casually dating and going out with my friends, forgetting a future with him), but I don't know whether I should accept...As far as I know, he's still with the new girl so I don't know what the point is...Should I ignore it?


I would stay clear from him for a while.


Chances are he's going to pull the whole "I'm confused business" or that he just wants to be friends.

Wait a while longer if you really still want to be friends with him in the future. 2 months isn't that long of a healing time for you. Even if he broke up recently with her and was interested in coming back, you'd still be wise to wait.


If you really want to respond to his message. You can tell him that you need some time apart for the time being. Any more than that and you'll probably enter a world of pain.

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He dumped you so I'd ignore it. Why would you want to torture yourself looking at his social media? Do you want to see pics of him and his new gf laughing and having fun? People don't post pics of themselves depressed and fighting (unless they're weird)..I looked at my exes social media early after the breakup (yes 2 months is still early) and I wish I hadn't..I deleted Facebook all together and just recently reactivated it after over a year but blocked her immediately.

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He dumped you so I'd ignore it. Why would you want to torture yourself looking at his social media? Do you want to see pics of him and his new gf laughing and having fun? People don't post pics of themselves depressed and fighting (unless they're weird)..I looked at my exes social media early after the breakup (yes 2 months is still early) and I wish I hadn't..I deleted Facebook all together and just recently reactivated it after over a year but blocked her immediately.


I completely agree. Most people don't post the sad or boring things on social media (here I am, eating cold pizza in an old shirt on Friday night cause I'm a loser with no friends!) no. lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

So another update. I ignored him on everything and haven't added him back. He found my snapchat two weeks and started sending me snaps. I opened a few - they were mostly just of him, sometimes with flirty comments. I didn't respond to them, but didn't delete him either. One of them he mentioned he unfollowed me on stuff because it hurt to look at my profiles. Ignored that too.


He sent me snaps daily for the last two weeks and finally today he sent one of him and his girlfriend at a family dinner. WHAT THE. That is so mean, why would he do this? I snapped him saying it wasn't nice to send an ex stuff while he has a gf, and deleted him. It's not as painful anymore, but I'm just trying to grasp WHY anyone would do this?? Someone called it up ahead in this thread that he wanted to show off, but I haven't been in his life for months so why does it matter?

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This is why blocking and deleting form all social media is so important. Who need to see this nonsense? Don't respond to any of this. You may still be on his contact list when he taps "select all", it just goes out to everyone, it wasn't specifically for your eyes only.

He sent me them daily for the last two weeks and finally today he sent one of him and his girlfriend at a family dinner. WHAT THE. I snapped him saying it wasn't nice to send an ex stuff while he has a gf, and deleted him.

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You're right on the deleting thing. I'm kinda over him, although there's a part of me that still cares a bit. This just makes me angry instead of sad now.

Also, there's no option to select all contacts on snapchat, unfortunately. So I know for sure he selected my name.

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